'Violence on television is a primary cause of violence in real life' - Discuss.

'Violence on television is a primary cause of violence in real life' In answer to this question I believe that TV isn't the primary cause of violence. In this essay I will try to show you why I think this. It is true that the incidence of violence today is increasing, but I don't personally believe that TV is the culprit on this occasion. We can see violence in many places; we only need to walk around rough areas of our towns to find realistic examples of people fighting. Not only this, but some modern music has violent overtones which may lead to the listener being more aggressive themselves. In order for us to understand all the views on the subject, we have been working on relevant newspaper articles. The main one I am going to focus on in this essay is the one which talked about TV violence and the disadvantages associated with it. Although it mainly consists of emotional thoughts and opinions rather than fact. I'm not sure therefore whether it is actually trying to emotionally coerce us into thinking this particular way. For example the author says: "The Prime Minister does well to voice rising public concern. He condemns- 'the relentless diet of violence on TV'- John Major is a decent man, here tuned in to the worries of decent families." This I think is the author's expressed opinion made to look like fact. A further example is seen when the statement: "Their

  • Word count: 649
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Persecution under Nero

Persecution under Nero Nero was an emperor who was afraid of his people. Nero was getting out of control of his army he was unable to control his army and keep them in his power. Nero discovered that he was loosing his power so he became a cruel man in his later life. Nero murdered, torture and even imprison his relative and people he called friends. Nero tried everything to impress the people, Nero Built the finesse palaces and arenas. It is said that Nero was the cause of the great fire which had broke out in Rome in A.D.64; this would give the opportunity for Nero to start his building plans. This fire had to be blamed on someone and therefore Nero had accused the Christians for his mistake. This made the Roman people glad because they used this excuse to blame the Christians and vent their anger and hatred upon them. Romans dislike things that they did not know much about this was the reason for such hatred for the Christians. The Romans often fear and hate what they did not understand. The Romans could not understand why Christians worship in secret and worship a God that they have never seen. The Romans never understood why Christians would eat and drink wine, Romans thought this was a special ritual. Some people would say that the Christians were cannibals and even eat babies. The Romans didn't like the thought that slaves and women attended to the meetings, this was

  • Word count: 1395
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Discuss how violent material on screen might - a) Do harm and b) Do good.

Discuss how violent material on screen might a) Do harm b) Do good The media operate relatively freely in countries like Britain, compared to those under more repressive regimes such as China. Nevertheless, there are a plethora of laws and regulations which act as constraints on media production. Television and radio are subject to the strongest controls of any media, for technological and political reasons. The BBC's licence is renewed every ten years, and the license fee set by the government, which also appoints the board of governors. Their role is to ensure that the BBC fulfils its obligations as laid down by the law, and if necessary to intervene if individual programmes are deemed to exceed the BBC's remit. Violence on screen today is over rated; people seem to blame it for a lot of the things that go on today. But in my opinion people need to take other things into account. For example, during a child's life you can't discount the role of such things as violent video games, the social values of parents and peers, or general living conditions. If you eat something that you have not tried before and immediately get sick, you will probably assume there's a direct relationship between the two events. And if at some later date you forget about your first experience and eat the same thing again-and immediately get sick again, you can be fairly sure that whatever

  • Word count: 1811
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Examine the views of one religious belief on business ethics

Charley McCarthy Examine the views of one religious belief on business ethics (20 marks) Christianity contains an extensive collection of teachings, primarily those contained in the New Testament, which deals with the ethical side of running a business. Within businesses, companies usually have a main aim of making as large a profit as possible, and can sometimes use ways of doing so that could be considered as being immoral, for example employing child labour, damaging the environment or using blackmail and bribery. Within businesses there are many people involved, such as the employees, the stakeholders, the shareholders and the directors. Between these people, many conflicts can occur, and everybody cannot be made happy, e.g. if employees were given higher wages, the company manager would make less profit. Business ethics are partly created to limit such conflicts of interest whilst promoting harmonization (Henry Sidgwick). Of course, the manager of a business does not want to make too much sacrifice, but also often does not wish to be unethical, in which case in may be possible the come up with a third midway or alternative option. Rushworth Kidder refers this to as a 'trilemma'. To help decide what is ethical and what is not, Christians have created their own code of moral business running, with rules such as 'See that shareholders are kept informed of all major

  • Word count: 1029
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Violence : Best Reaction to Violence ?

Edward Bond's Plays 2 Violence : Best Reaction to Violence ? Throughout Bond's plays there is an analysis, sometimes implicit, of the nature of violence, its causes and its consequences. Each of the plays takes the analysis a step further. I have chosen to concentrate on Lear because it is one of the most representative pieces of work about violence in our society. In this play Bond's humanistic philosophy is clear : "aggression is an ability but not a necessity".1 He condemns our society which uses violence supposedly for the wellbeing of people, but without worrying about the disastrous consequences. In this paper, I shall argue that violence is not the best reaction to aggression. And I shall describe its causes and its consequences throughout Lear; though giving some examples from The Sea and Narrow Road to the Deep North to demonstrate all the facets of this aggressivity. The violence that Bond condemns is not violence in general but specifically social injustice and war. It is present from the very beginning of the play in the summary execution of a worker accused of sabotage. This already sets the tragic mood of the play. One of the great debates of Lear is the question: "do the ends justify the means?" This is one of the big problems of our society. The play mainly shows that the nature and interaction of social and personal circumstances are the leading element

  • Word count: 2582
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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The Western Front: Tanks!

The Western Front: Tanks! 5.23) Advantages * Tanks were bullet proof and could withstand even enemy machine gun fire! * It could easily get past barbed wire, dead bodies and other obstacles to get to the enemy! * It was well equipped with many heavy weapons, as any weight gun could be carried on it. * It could also help to transport troops to the enemy unharmed. * It could even just provide shelter for allied troops, as bullets would have to get through the tanks first... and they couldn't! * At first, it even just made the enemy run away from fright having never seen tanks before! This meaning that they were at the tanks mercy... But they got no mercy from the machine guns on the tanks. * If they, for some reason, could not shoot the enemy, they could just run the m over instead, as the Germans were not ready for tanks and had NO defence that could withstand them. * The tanks were also the perfect weapons all put into one mobile vehicle! Machine guns: being the BIGGEST infantry killer, mowing any foes nearby to the ground, and shells which could blow up bunkers, trenches, and a large group of infantry! And both put into one armoured vehicle, so it would be many times easier to transport these weapons! * Seeing as the tanks didn't have wheels, they had caterpillar tracks meaning they could easily go through trenches over bunkers and anything else, just charging

  • Word count: 807
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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In Rome, Christian's were viewed as different, and the Romans often blamed them if things went wrong

Emperor Nero. Persecution means to treat someone with continuous cruelty or unfairness. People are usually persecuted because of their beliefs; it takes many forms including torture, imprisonment, violence, cruelty and many others. The followers of Jesus were known as Christians and in the time when Rome was ruled by Emperor Nero they were persecuted very harshly. In Rome, Christian's were viewed as different, and the Romans often blamed them if things went wrong. The Romans were polytheists, this means that they believed in many God's such as Venus, Cupid and Apollo. On the other hand the Christians were monotheists, this means that they believed in only one God. Sacrificing for their Gods was one thing that the Romans felt strongly about and believed in as they thought it would get the Gods on their side. They thought the Christians to be unpatriotic as they did not join war as they did not believe in it. The Romans did not understand the Christina religion and the re-enactment of the last supper; they accused them of cannibalism. Nero was Roman emperor from 54AD to 68AD. He was a cruel and violent man who took pleasure in hurting people and watching others suffer, just like his mother Agrippina. Agrippina was a devious and power driven woman and was prepared to go to any lengths to get the things she wanted. Her biggest wish was fro her son, Nero to become emperor of

  • Word count: 433
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Forms of violence in The Bluest Eye

Essay on Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye Forms of violence in The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison's novel The Bluest Eye is about the life of a black low class family, who resides in America in the late 1930s. Everyday they are confronted to the problem of violence. And we would see that this violence is present inside their own family as well as in all the community around them. Then we will explain that all this abuse comes for the most part from racism and the idealized concept of white beauty. In addition, with regard to racism, we will see that this oppressed black society suffers on the one hand from racism from white people and on the other hand from their own race. In addition, we will demonstrate that violence is expressed by different forms throughout the novel, namely physical, verbal and emotional. Firstly, the most important representation of violence in The Bluest Eye is the one in Breedlove's family. The daughter Pecola is an innocent little girl nevertheless, she is the principal victim of this abuse. It is bad enough that practically the whole world rejects her, but even in her own family she cannot find any kind of consolation. Indeed Pecola's family life is brutal. Her father, who is very often drunk, hits her mother. Consequently, these ritual and terrible fights, which is here physical violence, create a terrorific mental violence to Pecola. It can be seen in

  • Word count: 1894
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Christian views

Many Christians feel strongly about certain modern issues and try to express what they feel about their religion to others in the community. However how far they should take this might intimidate others and it may even be objected to. I will now try to show this in my essay by giving points that agree with what Christians believe and points that disagree with it. At the end I will sum up my essay and give a detailed conclusion and include my opinion on whether Christians should not try to make others accept their position or whether they are just responding to God's commands. An extremely strong point to agreeing with this is that we live in a Multicultural society with more than one religion, therefore there are more beliefs and viewpoints, so why should only some be taken notice of. All beliefs should be known and respected equally. Furthermore Christians should not challenge the law which is set on things, such as abortion. The law says that abortion is now legal so they should not make others accept their position, i.e. a pregnant woman may feel guilt enough bout terminating her unborn child without Christians hammering onto her about what they believe. This would be intimidating and if it is what she thinks is right to do and it is legal in the country then she is in no wrong. In addition to this, they should not be able to tell a terminally ill sufferer

  • Word count: 911
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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Sara Swingle

Sara Swingle April 20, 2005 Professor Latorre CJ 201 Criminal Law Domestic Violence Arrest Statute §2711 Section 2711 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, entitled probable cause arrests in domestic violence cases, subsection (a) states that a police officer shall have the same right of arrest without a warrant as in a felony whenever he has probable cause to believe the defendant has violated section 2504 (relating to involuntary manslaughter), 2701 (relating to simple assault), 2702(a)(3), (4) and (5) (relating to aggravated assault), 2705 (relating to recklessly endangering another person), 2706 (relating to terroristic threats) or 2709.1 (relating to stalking) against a family or household member although the offense did not take place in the presence of the police officer. A police officer may not arrest a person pursuant to this section without first observing recent physical injury to the victim or other corroborative evidence. Under title 23 §6102 a "family or household member" can be spouses or persons who have been spouses, persons living as spouses or who have lived as spouses, parents and children, other persons related by consanguinity or affinity, current or former sexual or intimate partners or persons who share biological parenthood. The sections that a law enforcement agent could arrest for were not all the ones stated above; back in 1989 they could only

  • Word count: 1416
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)
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