"God gives life and only God can take it away" Discuss. This statement is probably one of the most talked about and controversial of the millennium.
Emma Partington AO3: "God gives life and only God can take it away" Discuss. This statement is probably one of the most talked about and controversial of the millennium. Many philosophers and professors have studied it and tried to come up with an answer, however in the end it comes down to opinion and faith. In this essay I will try and answer as fully as I can with views for and against. Some say that because God gave life, our lives belong to him, and only he can take them away. However, in the beginning, God let us make our own decisions and use our brain to do things that we see fit. He laid down a set of moral guidelines but whether we follow these should be the decision of the individual not the government, as it is in countries like the Republic of Ireland. It is in places like these where they do not, and according to the law cannot, take into account individual circumstances, such as rape, teenage pregnancy or illness of the mother. For example, in 1982 a pregnant woman in the Republic of Ireland was told she had cancer of the womb. To save her from death the womb would have to be removed, along with the baby. The Irish government would not let the womb be removed, claiming that by the time the cancer killed the woman, the baby would be born. In the end the baby survived but the mother did not. This is a case where the church rules the government, which, in a
"It is not impossible to be a true disciple if Jesus in the modern world" Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view.
A03 "It is not impossible to be a true disciple if Jesus in the modern world" Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. In our modern day world I don't believe it is impossible to be a disciple but to be a true disciple and follower of Jesus would be hard. There are many distractions for people in today's society, family, career and materialistic goods. Religion is not seen as a priority in modern day life it is seen as unnecessary and unimportant part of life. With the pressures and priorities of modern day life we don't seem to have time to go to mass, stop and think or maybe just reflect on our day to day lives. Pressures from the media can change people's views on God, life, mass and even the Eucharist. With so many people wanting careers for a successful life, with money they concentrate on materialistic products and not the important things such as family, love, friends and God. They work long hours, five days a week. People in the emergency services cannot decide when to work or not, it's a full time job. This does not leave much time for importance of discipleship. We do not realise how lucky we are to be able to practice out religion freely without disapproval and receive the Eucharist as often as we want. Many countries in the world do not allow freedom of religion and they are forbidden to practice their religions,
"Jews today have a right to live in the ancient land of Canaan", Do you agree?
"Jews today have a right to live in the ancient land of Canaan" Do you agree? Yes I do agree that the Jews have a right to live in the ancient land of Canaan, as this is the heart of the Jewish world. There is the holy spot where the temple was built. This is the land that the Jews were instructed to go to and they earned their way through their living. If they obeyed God they got their crops to grow etc. But if not then they wouldn't. They did not hand over the land to the Romans they were thrown out, and were forced to leave. As it was not their own choice and they did not give it to the Romans it is still rightfully theirs, and their descendants. The Jews believe that they cannot fully obey God without being in the land of Canaan. This was where all the Jews were born, where their community was, where their land was. It is the Jews responsibility to look after the land. They did not accept the land as a gift. It was part of the covenant to live in the land. Many think that they are not accepted and do not fit in where they are but will be accepted and will fit in back in their land. At a marriage the Bridegroom stamps on a glass, to show that part of the covenant has still not been fulfilled, which is living in the land of Canaan. Each nationality has its own land, e.g. French have France, British have Britain and so it is only fair for the Jews to have their own land,
"Lifelong Marriage is too difficult even for Christians today. The Church should be willing to drop this vow."
"Lifelong Marriage is too difficult even for Christians today. The Church should be willing to drop this vow." Religious Education Marriage Coursework Question 3 When one looks at the above question, one may be able to agree with this statement without much consideration. But look at the question more closely, in particular, the last three words-drop this vow. 'The love of man and woman is made holy in the sacrament of marriage, and becomes the mirror of your everlasting love', this quotation spells out what the sacrament of marriage is all about. There are many references to marriage in the Bible on is in Ephesians 5 21-33, it was written ' wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as to the lord. For your husband has authority over his wife just as Christ has authority over the church; and Christ is himself the saviour of the church, his body', this states that a man is the base of a marriage and his wife must be faithful to him as Christ was faithful to the church as it was his body. Availability of divorce is much too easy in society today, one simply has to apply and fill out a few forms. There is not enough encouragement for couples to work through their problems and difficulties. Apart from family and relatives encouragements to sort out their difficulties, there is not enough outside groups to give advise on how to stay together. There is not enough marriage
"Lourdesis too commercialised" Do you agree or disagree?
"Lourdes is too commercialised" Do you agree or disagree? Lourdes is a centre of pilgrimage that is known throughout the Christian world. However, it is a place of two contrasting halves. One is the serene, holy and special place that is the main basilicas and the main features of the actual site of the pilgrimage. The other is the highly commercialised, profit-orientated area. This is full of souvenir shops and hotels, not associated with the church, but out to make a profit. There are two very different approaches to Lourdes, some highlight the commercialism in negative way, and others choose to see the positive merits. I will explore both sides of this argument and come to a conclusion. People who come to Lourdes often say that the commercialism has a bad effect; they say that it detracts from the religious aura and the general special feeling of the place. Others would argue that this touristy atmosphere adds to the mood of Lourdes. Many feel that people should be able to detach themselves from the commercialism, as the actual religious sites are not affected in the same way as the rest of the town. After all, it is ones personal choice to go into the shops and buy things. People that oppose this positive argument for commercialism often say that the things for sale in the shops are verging on blasphemous and should not be allowed full stop, they are tacky and are sold
Television Presents Religious people as out of touch with the modern world
Television always presents religious people as out of touch with the modern world. Do you agree? Give reasons showing you have considered another point of view. In television, some characters are portrayed as out of touch with the modern world, however, some characters, though they are religious; do acknowledge the use of modern items and technology to a certain extent. In the Vicar of Dibley, the new vicar is female. This can be seen as relatively modern as this role in society has usually been seen as a man's job. She also makes fun of herself and the fact that she is a female vicar which shows that she is not ashamed of what she does. She has a very strange but modern sense of humour which people these days could associate with. On the other hand, she dresses in a rather old fashioned way; wearing thick knitted jumpers which you would rarely see in today's society, and she is very well spoken which could portray her as out of touch; as the use of slang is increasingly dominant. Dot Branning from Eastenders is a classic religious character. She is very true to her beliefs and tries to influence Christianity on others; quoting from the bible and praying in times of need. She acts and dresses how someone on Dot's age would be expected to and prefers a traditional way of life. She tends not to watch too much TV, if any and only tried to learn to drive in her later years;
In what way might christianity help people who are suffering?
In what ways might the religion you have studied help people who are suffering? In Christianity the suffering, the hardships and the pain the Christians endure are all part of the great plan and reason of life. Therefore, Christians have to try to cope with all this however, it easier said than done. To make life easier, Christians have to think of the great award they will get in heaven if they cope with all that. However, not everyone can deal with the suffering because of certain conditions. Therefore, there are special organisations that help these suffering people. Christians create these organisations because they have put their Christian believe into action. Mother Theresa was one of the very famous and honest people who have put their belief into action. At the age of twelve, mother Theresa realized her vocation to help the poor therefore, she decided to train for missionary work. Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta, but the suffering and poverty she saw outside the convent made such a deep impression on her that she had to leave; she started an open-air school for homeless children and founded her own organisation "The Missionaries of Charity" Later, she won plenty of prizes and became very famous. Unfortunately, Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997 at the age of 87. Her spirit of giving inspired many to follow her that's why she is one
Abortion is termination of pregnancy before birth, resulting in, or accompanied by, the death of the fetus.
Abortion is termination of pregnancy before birth, resulting in, or accompanied by, the death of the fetus. Some abortions occur naturally because a fetus does not develop normally or because the mother has an injury or disorder that prevents her from carrying the pregnancy to term. This type of spontaneous abortion is commonly known as a miscarriage. Other abortions are induced-that is, intentionally brought on; because a pregnancy is unwanted or presents a risk to a woman's health. Abortion Methods Induced abortions are performed using one of several methods. The safest and most appropriate method is determined by the age of the fetus, or the length of pregnancy, which is calculated from the beginning of the pregnant woman's last menstrual period. Most pregnancies last an average of 39 to 40 weeks. This period is divided into three stages known as trimesters. The first trimester consists of the first 13 weeks; the second trimester spans weeks 14 to 24, and the third trimester lasts from the 25th week to birth. Abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy are easier and safer to perform while abortions in the second and third trimesters require more complicated procedures and pose greater risks to a woman's health. In the United States, a pregnant woman's risk of death from a first-term abortion is less than 1 in 100,000. The risk increases by about 30 percent with each
Abortion is the removal, or termination of a foetus in the mother's womb.
Laura Shepherd Abortion Essay Abortion is the removal, or termination of a foetus in the mother's womb. The Abortion Act was introduced in 1967, taking effect in 1968. It says that a woman can have an abortion up to the 24 week gestation period. It also says that a woman can have an abortion if the mother's life is in danger, that is, mental or physical health; if the growing foetus is deformed or if an existing family will suffer as a result of the foetus being born. Two doctors must give their consent before an abortion is allowed to take place. Women who are less than nine weeks pregnant can choose to take the abortion pill. This causes them to have a miscarriage and takes about six hours to work. Most abortions up to twelve weeks are carried out by the removal of the foetus from the mother's womb. This is done by suction and is done under local or general anaesthetic. This procedure takes about ten minutes. Abortions that are carried out later than twelve weeks involve opening the cervix and removing the contents with an instrument. Abortions carried out before twelve weeks of pregnancy are fairly simple operations. After this it becomes more complicated and riskier to women. The abortion pill does not actually involve taking a pill. Drugs are used to cause an early miscarriage. One works by blocking the action of the hormone that makes the lining of the uterus
Abortion Persuasive Essay - against
Abortion Persuasive Essay - against Abortion is a very controversial issue. Ever since people started hearing about abortions people had their own opinions about it. I am pro-life. I think that if you put yourself into the position then you should have to deal with the repercussions. Why should an innocent child have to give their life for two other peoples mistakes? If you are not ready for the responsibility then don't take the risk. I believe that abortion is murder. I think that you are taking life from something that deserves a chance. The second that the sperm meets the egg there is a chance for life and it should be treated as a live child from that point on. On the website www.standupgirl.com someone asked a question: "what about the child with disease that will die a slow death or live his life as a burden to his family?" The webmaster responded with: "Do you believe the new "ethic" should be that we kill the suffering or burdensome? Some of these cases are tragic, some are also inspirational. We cannot assume the responsibility for killing an unborn child simply because the child has not yet been seen in public. The child's place of residence does not change what abortion does - kill a human being." That quote is the very same thing that I believe. It basically says that you do not know the potential of a child. Whether you find out if it has Down syndrome or it