There is a massive difference between rich nations and poorer ones, which grows larger due to debts and trading laws.

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Tom Matthews                

Part 1

There is a massive difference between rich nations and poorer ones, which grows larger due to debts and trading laws. I find it unbelievable that the 22 richest people in the World have more money than 47 of the poorest countries.  An average American spends $116,500 a year while a Somalian spends $17.  One quarter of the world’s population live in the developed north and has four-fifths of the world’s wealth at its disposal.  The Christian teaching tries to teach people what is happening in the world and to respect the poor.

Christian teachings like many other religions teach that we should look out for the poor and care for those who are needy.  The Bible teaches Christians that we must care for others in need.  But when it was written people did not know about poor people in other countries but now thanks to TV and media we can. There are many sources to point Christians towards this responsibility e.g. Bible.

The love of money often leads to poverty.  People’s love of money often prevents them from giving it to charity.  “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” (7 Timothy 6:10). Jesus taught to share your riches among the poor and you will not need your money in heaven.  So do not save what you don’t need, share it with others, as you are no different in God’s eyes.  He also taught that people who did not do this would not get into heaven.  “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God” (Luke 18:25). Most of Jesus’ teaching concerned stewardship and that a good steward would use their money and possessions wisely.

 The disciples of Jesus set a good example in the Bible as they were encouraged not to carry possessions and after Jesus’ death they sold everything that wasn’t essential and used the money to feed the poor.  “They would sell their property and possessions, and distribute the money among all.” (Acts 2:45).

There are good examples of how to treat the poor in the Bible, such as the parable of the sheep and the goats.  Jesus will separate his people like sheep and goats and those that have fed him and clothed him will go to heaven while those who haven’t will got o hell.  Jesus judged all people, which meant if someone had not helped someone in need then they have not helped Jesus.

Also the ‘Good Samaritan’ is a good example of how God wishes us to treat his people.  In the ‘Good Samaritan’ a Jewish man is left beaten and dying in the street.  Both a priest and a Levite walk past ignoring the man.  Then a Samaritan, the Jews enemy, stops and helps the man and pays for him to stay at an inn.  This story shows that anyone can help anyone, no matter his or her colour or race.  It teaches Christians they should help people no matter who they are.  It also shows those who don’t will be punished no matter who they are.  “God blesses those who come to the aid of the poor and rebuke those who turn away from them” (Catholism of the Catholic Church).

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The churches view of poverty is fairly similar.  Methodists believe we have a duty to help those in need be they either poor or suffering from a manmade or natural disaster.  They also believe that debts on third world countries should be lifted.

The Roman Catholic Church teaches people to show a love for the poor.  As everyone is the same in God’s eye, their rights need to be given attention.  “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 19:19), teaches Catholics that they must express this love by protecting these people’s human rights.  Overall they believe that we as ...

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