There is nothing wrong with being a rich christian

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"There is nothing wrong with being a rich Christian"

By Olivia Scarlett 10LG

 Di.) I disagree with this statement, because in Mark’s Gospel Jesus says “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle then for a rich man to go to heaven”, therefore stating that if you have wealth and riches, and you are a Christian, you will not go to heaven. This means it is bad to be Christian and have lots of money.

It says that it is only harder for the rich person to enter heaven. It never says that rich people cannot enter the heaven.

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Also, by the nature of their poverty, the poor always lead a humble life, and they don’t have the same life as the rich and maybe want to be rich but they can focus their lives on praying to God and following Jesus, they cannot get distracted by money and wealth. Money is a luxury and a true Christian’s happiness can lie within the hope and love from Jesus and God. But those who behave right in the way of God, keeping His commandments, regardless of material wealth and status however will make it.

 Rich christians have more to ...

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