There should be no rich people as long as there is poverty in the world. Do you agree? Christians and Muslims

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There should be no rich people as long as there is poverty in the world. Do you agree? Christians and Muslims

The church teaches Christians to believe if you have money you should use it to help people who aren’t as well as you, and to help rid the world of poverty. Christians believe people who are rich enough to share their money for helping people but don’t are wrong, and they will be judged before they enter heaven by God.


Some Christians would agree with this because God give Moses the Ten Commandments and they were rules for us to follow and help one another. The rich man is one example of this because he did not use the money he had to help the beggar who lived outside his gates, so he was sent to hell.

Some Christians go and sell everything, and become poor and follow Jesus as they believe as long as there is poverty they should not be rich as it is unfair for the people who are poor. Mother Teresa is one example as she thought God wanted her to give up everything and learn basic skills in medicine to help and live with the poor.

Many Christians believe that rich countries should split up their money and give to the poor countries so each country is the same, they think this would help abolish poverty because everyone would be equal and could start again. They also believe this would encourage peace amongst countries as no one will be rich and powerful because they have used their riches for good.

However I and some Christians would not agree with this because people think if they are brought up in riches by a wealthy family it is their money to do what they want with the money because their family has earned it and passed it down to them. They think that if they were to give money away it would be like people were asking for it and they think that people were begging for their money.

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Also God told people to use money to feed themselves and to help their own families; some Christians believe this to the word and do use it or this purpose, they also believe that God wanted them to fend for their own families and they believe people who are poor should try to fend for themselves and this would reduce friction between rich and poor people who depend on others.

Christians believe that Children should be brought up by two parents who can earn money and provide a suitable environment  to bring their children up in the world, ...

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