To what extend is faith a legitimate basis for knowledge claims, in religion and different areas of knowledge.

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Written by Patricia Silhy. 11 maya

7- Some people say that religious beliefs can be neither justified nor refuted by reason. However while sometimes this claim is used as a reason for rejecting religious beliefs, at other times it is used to conclude that these beliefs are established by faith. To what extend is faith a legitimate basis for knowledge claims, in religion and different areas of knowledge.

Since the beginning of the human race, humans have always been religions. History backs up this statement; 2000 years B.C. Abraham founded Judaism, 563-483 B.C. Buddha founded Buddhism, 4 between 33 A.C. Jesus of Nazareth founded Christianity, etc. One of the greatest proofs of how religion influences many areas is our calendar. We divide history in two blocks A.C. (After Christ) and B.C. (Before Christ). Furthermore, the Greek Gods (Zeus, Mars , Aphrodite), the Aztecs God’s (Quetzalcóalt, Tezcatlipoca) all reflect the acceptance of a higher being, and thus accepted the existence of religion. Yet the question remains; If God is written in the hearts of men, why do men deny God’s existence? Is this existence based on faith or reason?

Some people might argue that not all humans are religious; this is due to imbalances in their lives. For humans to attempt perfection they must have a threesome balance between their mind, body and spirit. The mind is in charge of the reasoning, the body is the strength (in many cases strength is used without reasoning) and the sprit is religion. Those who don’t feed the spirit suffer from imbalances, they wish to take decisions only using the two elements remaining, reasoning and strength, which do not generate complete satisfaction. This lack of satisfaction creates an urge to search for it; in many cases they believe to find satisfaction in materialism, disobedience to authorities, etc. “it is Jesus in fact that you seek when you dream of happiness; he is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you” (John Paul II, Tor Vergata. August19, 2000)

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Furthermore, humanity sometimes believes that it is possible to coexist without religion and deny the existence of a superior being. This group of people are called Atheist. It is possible to say that Lenin is the father of atheist “Religion is the opium of the people”. However, which way of knowledge do atheists use to base their arguments? If they base their knowledge on reason then this is unreliable since they are only taking in account one truth. This is an atheist argument. If God is all love then why is there so much bad in the world. The ...

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