"Violence is an inappropriate respond to racism" Do you agree?

“Violence is an inappropriate respond to racism” Do you agree?
I agree to this quote as I am a Christian and I believe in God and in the teachings of Jesus. The bible condemns racism, as all Christians and Catholics know that everyone should be treated equally as God accepts everyone into the kingdom of God as long as they repent but some people cannot accept this and still respond to racism by using violence.
I would not use violence if someone started harassing me, I would just try and ignore them the best that I could as people that are racist are just looking for trouble. “Two wrongs do not make a right” this quote is true, if someone does something bad or calls names to another person it is best to ignore it, people should not want vengeance as in the bible it says ‘love your neighbour as you would yourself’. I asked two people this question: “How would you react or do if someone started calling you names or being racist towards you?”