What can a study of Mark's Gospel tell Christians of different denominations about the meaning and importance of the Sabbath.

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What can a study of Mark’s Gospel tell Christians of different denominations about the meaning and importance of the Sabbath.

‘Sabbath’ is a Hebrew word meaning rest – The Jewish meaning is ‘Shabbat’. Sabbath is the day of rest in Judaism. It begins at sunset Friday and last until sunset on Sunday. In the Ten Commandments the reason given for the Sabbath being a holy day is that after God had created the world in six days he had rested on the seventh. Jews keep Sabbath as a holy day set aside for God. It is celebrated at home, with a special family meal on Friday evening and with synagogue worship. Unnecessary work is avoided. Sabbath is a day to be honoured and enjoyed as a gift from God.

     ‘The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath,’ said Jesus. Jesus taught that the law of God was for the benefit of the human race, not set of petty restrictions. He was not breaking the law when he healed on the Sabbath, ‘The man with the evil spirit’ ‘The man with the withered hand’. Because it was obviously the right loving thing to do. The law was to allow people to rest and worship God, not to stop them nibbling ears of corn.

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     The Sabbath, to the Jews was a holy day in which they believed no works should be done. It was a day of rest; from sunset to sunset. The Jews believed that working was against the law in which had been set by the Pharisees.

     ‘It was preparation day, so Joseph went boldly into the presence of Pilate and asked him for the body of Jesus’ Jesus wanted to bury the body before sunset because he believed that the Sabbath was not a time for working. After the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary (mother of ...

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