What different issues are out forward by Christians and other groups concerning the issues of abortion and why?

What different issues are out forward by Christians and other groups concerning the issues of abortion and why? Which Biblical passages are relevant to the debate and why? Give reasons for your answers showing that you have considered more than one point of view.G.C.S.E Abortion Coursework“What different issues are out forward by Christians and other groups concerning the issues of abortion and why? Which Biblical passages are relevant to the debate and why? Give reasons for your answers showing that you have considered more than one point of view”.Abortion is when a pregnancy is aborted ant the foetus is removed from a woman’s womb and destroyed. There are different beliefs on abortion these are a few of them. When does a foetus become a human being? Is it at conception? Or is it when vital organs have been produced? Or is it when it can survive without being inside its mother’s womb? Also would the child be cared for and loved by the parents? Or did a victim of rape conceive the child. These views should be looked