What does Marks Gospel tells Christians about discipleship.

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Nikki Symeon 11A2

Discipleship Coursework

In this essay I will be looking see what Mark’s Gospel tells Christians about discipleship. I will discuss what discipleship meant at the time of Jesus and what it means today. The word disciple means somebody who strongly believes in the teachings of a leader or a religion, and tries to act according to them.

Throughout Mark’s gospel there are a lot of stories about discipleship, the first one being in Mark 1: 16-20. This is when Jesus calls the first of his disciples, telling them to follow him and that he will make them fishers of men. It then says that the men ‘…at once left their nets and followed him.’ This shows how the disciples wanted to learn from and follow Jesus. The term ‘fishers of men’ means that Jesus wanted the disciples to spread his word and tell others about his message so that they to could become followers. The fact that Jesus chose twelve disciples may have been symbolic. He may have chose twelve to represent the twelve tribes of Israel.

Jesus called people of all different kinds to be his disciples. He first chose ordinary men who were uneducated (fishermen). This could have been to show that Jesus accepted everyone into his community and that he didn’t favour the rich and educated. Jesus also called the tax collector Levi to follow him which caused a lot of controversy, and didn’t make Jesus particularly popular. Tax collectors were hated by the Jews as they were associated with the Romans. By calling a tax collector, this also showed how Jesus was accepting to all. This would have been a good example for the disciples to follow, to love everyone, be forgiving and non judgemental.

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There are different ways in which the bible is interpreted: the fundamentalist way, the conservative way and the liberal way. The fundamentalists take every word in the bible literally. They feel that everything that was written was true and happened for sure. The conservatives believe that the bible is true but needs to be interpreted. This is because they think that most of the bible is metaphorical speak and can have hidden meanings. Liberals believe that the bible was written to convince people and that things in it may have been greatly exaggerated.

In Mark 8:34, Jesus told ...

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