What has Christmas Come to today?

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What has Christmas

Come to today?

Jessica Gascoigne 10s

Christmas- how can we define this, a retail Christmas, a Christian Christmas, or a Pagan Christmas?

Many issues come to mind if we think Christmas. The Father figure of Christmas, not Jesus but a fat old man in a bright red coat. This special festival to each Christian child around the world, should this be right? A manufactured profit making man changed by Coca-Cola to represent their colour, red, instead of the religious meanings to Christmas.

A Christian Christmas, apparently, the season of good cheer did not start out as an exclusive Christian festival. How could this be?

According to Pagans, the early Christian church hijacked December 25th to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Was this that they saw everyone having a good time and decided to take advantage of it?

Christmas has changed through the years of celebration. During the Christmas season, there are so many things to take one's attention that we have tendancy to miss the true meaning of Christmas. Some link Christmas with decorated trees, sentimental carols, and parties. Sometimes people are so occupied with tinsel, toys, and turkey, that the real meaning of Christmas is lost.
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In recent generations, Christmas has involved spending money. In my opinion, money that we don't have for things that we don't need.

Advertisements of toys for children. In many other articles people may have described Christmas as being too commercial. How can we define Christmas being too commercial? Would Christmas as it is today be lost without commercialisation? If you take Christmas over two thousand years ago- that was rugged and simple.

The advertisers of toys and trees for Christmas use the advertisements and children as a weapon for the adults of today. It shoots guilt ...

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