What is a miracle? Describe how Jesus was presented as a miracle worker, giving examples from Luke's Gospel.

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RE Coursework – Miracles



By Liam Murphy 10.1


A1)        What is a miracle?

A2)        Describe how Jesus was presented as a miracle worker, giving examples from Luke’s Gospel.

  1. Discuss the meaning of healing miracles with reference to present day beliefs and Christian practice.

C)        Healing miracles do not happen today. Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view.

A1: What is a miracle?

The Griffin Savers Oxford Dictionary defines the word ‘miracle’ as a remarkable and welcome event that seems impossible to explain by means of the known laws of nature and science, which is therefore attributed to a supernatural agency. This means that not just anyone can do this sort of thing, so if it is performed then the thing that performed the miracle would be greater than us, humans.

Today, the word ‘miracle’ is used in a different context as it is used to show that something may not happen or that there are high odds against something happening. For example: it will be a miracle if Welling United get to the Premier League.

During the years, the word ‘miracle’ has been used for an amount of different meanings, which include:

  • Explaining something that is not impossible but non-understandable, e.g. someone may call an operation, which saves someone’s life a miracle.
  • Explaining that something may never end up happening, e.g. it will be a miracle if my mum lets me lie in on Saturday.

One example of something that may be called a miracle but I don’t think it should be called one; is if we managed to create AI.

One example of something that I would call a miracle if it happened would be if we could travel through time.

One person who is said to have performed miracles is Jesus. This claim will be explored in the next section.

A2: Jesus the miracle worker

At the time of Jesus, the attitude towards miracles was very different to now. They were expected and had become commonplace. They were mainly associated with Elijah, Elisha and God.

I think that the reason Luke wrote so much about the miracles is because they are so important in the Jesus story and they each have different meanings. Luke thought that these messages or meanings were important for everyone not just the people who witnessed them.

The amount of miracles that were performed by Jesus is unknown, but the amount of miracles that were recorded by Luke is 20.

The miracles recorded in Luke’s Gospel can be placed into four different groups.

These are as follows:

  • When Jesus healed the sick (An example of this is Luke 18:35-43) – including blindness, deafness and dumbness
  • When Jesus raised people from the dead (An example of this is Luke 7:11-15) – the two examples of this in Luke’s Gospel are the widow’s son and Jairus’ daughter
  • When Jesus cast out demons (An example of this is Luke 9:38-43) – people believed that these demons caused illnesses and mental disorders
  • When Jesus showed his power over nature (An example of this is Luke 8:22-25) – Jesus walked on water, fed 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and calmed a fierce storm

The miracles showed that the kingdom of God existed and was at work in many ways.

Here are some of them:

  • When Jesus healed the sick – he showed the love of God reaching to people who were suffering
  • When Jesus raised people from the dead – he showed that the power of God was stronger than death and that nothing could stand in God’s way
  • When Jesus cast out demons – he showed that the Kingdom of God was stronger than the Kingdom of Satan, and that Satan was being defeated
  • When Jesus showed his power over nature – he showed God’s power coming into the world and that he controlled everything in our world
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Below are some examples of the miracles that fit into the four groups:

When Jesus healed the sick

The blind beggar (Luke 18:35-43) – A beggar was begging in Jericho when a crowd following Jesus started to come into the city. When the beggar asked what was happening and told that Jesus was approaching, he shouted out “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Leaders of the crowd ignored him but Jesus called him over and asked “What do you want me to do for you?” to which he answered “Lord, I want to see.” Jesus proceeded to heal him ...

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