Mosques buildings that are reserved for Islamic worship. Any place where Muslims gather for prayer is a mosque; it does not have to be a special building. In Arabic, the proper word for mosque is ‘Masjid’. The root word is ‘sajd’, which basically means the place where someone bows down to Allah.

Mosques play vital roles in the lives of Muslims. The primary function of the mosque is to provide a place where Muslims may perform the five obligatory prayers.

A mosque is a place that is specifically dedicated as a place of prayer. However, women can also pray in the mosques, many mosques provide a separate section where the women can pray independently.

There is no verse in the Qur’an that prohibits women from entering a masjid, and there is no Hadith, in which the Prophet (saw) is reported to have made a statement preventing or forbidding women from going to the mosque.

However, the prophet (saw) did say:

“The prayer of the women is better in their house than in the mosque and the prayer of the women is better in their rooms than in their house.”

This essentially means that the prayer of the women is best when it is done in complete privacy.

The mosque I have chosen for my coursework is Manchester Central Mosque, Victoria Park.


  • Dome
  • Minarets
  • Carpets
  • Mihrab
  • Mimbar
  • Quran racks and stands
  • Wudhu area
  • Shoe racks
  • Library
  • Calligraphy
  • Charity box
  • Car park
  • Kitchen
  • Separate prayer room for women
  • Funeral service
  • Prayer time board and timetables


Victoria Park mosque has many domes. When you enter the mosque you will see three large domes and further on there is a larger one. Domes are very common to have in mosques now especially in the Middle East. They are decorated on the outside and inside they have beautiful tiles in a symmetrical pattern.  


Victoria Park mosque use to have minarets; but due to the new extension they have none at the moment. However, in many Islamic countries have minarets. The minaret is a place where the muezzin calls for prayer (adhan). It is a tower that is either attached or built separately to the mosque.  

It is preferable for the muezzin to say the adhan for prayer from something high enough for the call to carry to the local people. However in the United Kingdom, we do not call the adhan from a minaret because this might offend the local non-Muslim community.


In Victoria Park mosque, the carpet is red with symmetrical patterns on it. It is spread over a great area in the prayer hall and other parts in the mosque. There is a line on every row to show where people must stand in prayer. The carpet should be clean at all times because Muslims should pray in a clean place  


As you enter Victoria Park mosque from the back, the mihrab is directly in front of you. It is compulsory that the mihrab faces the Ka’bah in Makkah and it is also commanded in the Qur’an.

The mihrab is the place where the imam stands in the position of leading the prayer. It is also considered as the holiest place in a mosque.


Victoria Park mosque has only one mimbar and it is in the main prayer hall. The mimbar is a chair sort of thing where the imam stands to give a khutbah, lecture or maybe even for tilawah. It is also used on a jummah day when the imam stands on the mimbar to give the khutbah so he can be heard and so everyone can see him.


Victoria Park mosque has many Qur’an racks that are full of Qur’an and Islamic books. These are here so people who come into the mosque are encouraged to read them. They are open to anyone who wants to read them. Many Muslims come to mosque to recite the Qur’an. They come to the mosque because it is the right atmosphere is just right. We have Qur’an stands because we cannot let the Qur’an touch the floor because it is not allowed and it is not respectful. This is why we use Qur’an racks.


Victoria Park mosque has two wudhu areas. Both of which contain toilets, sinks and a special area where people can perform their wudhu. Muslims who come to the mosque to pray their salah, they must perform wudhu before praying. Wudhu is a special type of ablution which we have to perform to symbolise the cleansing and purity in willingness for coming before Allah.

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SHOE RACKS                

When you enter Victoria Park mosque from any of the entrances there are shoe racks provided so people can take their shoes off and place it in a safe place. These are very big because for example, in Ramadan, when the mosque is busy at tarawih time, everyone must take their shoes off and these racks come in handy as it allows people to place their shoes in them. In addition, when you enter the mosque you should remove your shoes, because you have to keep the very clean and, as it is a holy place ...

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