Zoë Wood


Euthanasia is when an ill person or somebody with a major disability wants to end their own life to stop their pain or so their family and friends can be free of looking after them, it’s not just when somebody is ill but it is also when they decide enough is enough. There are many types of euthanasia.

Voluntary euthanasia – when the ill person chooses to ask to die but is incapable of committing suicide without any help. This is often called ‘assisted suicide’

Involuntary euthanasia – when other people decide that it would be best if someone’s life ends because he or she is not able to make such a decision.

Active euthanasia – when action is taken to bring a life to an end; for example a lethal dose of drugs may be administered. This is against the law.

Positive euthanasia – when action is taken to bring life to an end by stopping giving treatment so death will be a result.

Euthanasia is a complicated issue now days as there are so many medical treatments available to keep people alive. If somebody is badly injured and losses the ability to think and feel forever and there is no chance of recovering they can still be kept alive for a long time. If a new born baby is born with abnormality’s it can be artificially kept alive. Euthanasia is not just about killing people, there is more to it than that. Its deciding when enough is enough and sometimes it can be kinder to let people go than letting them carry on being in pain.

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The quality of life of the patient is one of the main issues with euthanasia. If someone can communicate and is not in unbearable pain then euthanasia would be wrong but if someone can not communicate and is in unbearable pain then most people would agree euthanasia is the best option.

The Baptist church in the UK teaches that euthanasia is much like abortion and raises the same sort of issues – if people have the right to choose to take away a human life or not. Generally the Baptists are against euthanasia as they believe that all ...

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