What Is the “Abortion Debate”.

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 How do Christians involve themselves in it? Here are some points to consider: is the zygote inside the women a human, if so when does it become one? The “abortion debate” is a discussion that people have, arguing for or against abortion. There are many issues, whether the baby inside the women is human? If it is considered as human then why is it killed by abortion? It’s murder. A baby should have the same human rights as any other human. But obviously if it was considered to be human it wouldn’t be destroyed (aborted).

There are various opinions as to when the embryo is considered to be human.

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  1. Life begins at birth, when the baby has passed down the birth canal and has drawn its first breath
  2.  Life begins at viability. This is the stage that the baby could survive outside the womb if it was born prematurely and this is currently 21 weeks into pregnancy in the UK
  3.  Life begins at conception. This means at the very moment of conception when the sperm unites with the ovum.

As soon as a human life exists it has the right to live and to have the protection of the law.

 The problem is ...

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