Why Do Christians call Jesus Lord?

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“Why Do Christians call Jesus Lord?”


        Christians and followers of Jesus have called him lord for many reasons. The dictionary definition of lord is “A man of high rank in a feudal society or in one that retains feudal forms and institutions, especially: A king. A territorial agnate. The proprietor of a manor.” This clearly shows that to be called lord, you either needed to be a great man or you needed to be a land owner. We can tell by the people who followed Jesus around that Jesus was not a great land owner, nor did he have much money or any positions. This shows that he was a very special man who many people followed and loved. The word lord is a kind of verbal tag; it lets all nations talk about Jesus in a way that everybody can relate to. This is almost a universal language for the followers of Jesus.

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        Normally only the rich and famous where called Lord it was a big thing for the person. It meant that he was respected throughout the land and by everybody. We must remember that Jesus did not live in Europe; the word lord may mean a totally different thing in Hebrew, Lord in Hebrew is “Yehovah” or “YHVH”. The word is widely used for the noble folk, as in our culture and language today.

        In today’s world only the rich are called lord. There are no exceptions; the word’s meaning may be dying out. Surprisingly “lord” has stayed the same for ...

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