Acid Rain.

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        The process

Power stations/ cars burn fossil fuels and releases sulphur dioxide (SO2) + Nitrogen Oxide (NOX) in the atmosphere.

Gases react in the upper atmosphere water vapour in clouds to acid.

Falls as H2SO4 (Acid Rain)

Main Sources of SO2        NOX

Source                                        Amount

Power station                                61%        46%

Refineries/Industry                        28%

Domestic (Houses)                        5%        23%

Commercial & Public                        4%        3%

Transport                                        2%        28%

The causes of acid rain is down to emission of pollutants from ~ combustion of fossil fuels                                                     ~ industrial processes

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        ~ Transport sector

Especially SO2  & Nox

Some countries have suffered more than others. Some of them are net importers and others are net exporters.

The effects of acid rain are

        ~ Direct impact on vegetation as a result of exposure to acid solution

        ~ Percolation of acid rain through soil increases teaching of nutrients, so soil becomes less fertile. Also mobilises cadmium, aluminium and mercury. These move through the soil and may become concentrated in toxic quantities.

        ~ Lakes, rivers, streams may become polluted with cadmium, mercury and aluminium, killing aquatic life.

        ~ Water in watercourses ...

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