Aim To produce synthetic aspirin. To calculate the percentage yield of the aspirin produced. To compare the aspirin produced in the lab with tablet aspirin and aspirin from the lab by there melting points

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Preparation of aspirin


Aspirin is a human-made, synthetic version of salicylic acid, used to reduce fever and inflammation and relieve pain. Originally sold as a powder, and now in tablets, aspirin was a trademarked name until 1921. Researchers keep finding new ways that aspirin promotes and protects human health

It is an ester and can be prepared by the condensation reaction between

2-hydroxybenzoic acid (or salicylic acid) and Ethanoic anhydride. Purity of aspirin can be checked by determining its melting point.


* To produce synthetic aspirin.

* To calculate the percentage yield of the aspirin produced.

* To compare the aspirin produced in the lab with tablet aspirin and aspirin from the lab by there melting points


Glassware Chemicals

Conical flasks Measuring cylinders 2- hydroxybenzoic acid

Beakers Thermometers Ethanoic anhydride

Dropper Hot plate Conc. Sulphuric acid

Balance Buchner funnel and flask Ethanol

Vacuum pump Clock glass Anti-bumping granules
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Oven Melting point apparatus Deionised water

Capillary tubes Stirring rod Ice

> A 50 cm3 conical flask was weighed and ~10g of 2- hydroxybenzoic acid was added. The flask and its contents were reweighed.

> In a fume cupboard, 20cm3 of ethanoic anhydride was added by a measuring cylinder, to the 2- hydroxybenzoic acid. The flask was swirled as it was added to ensure thorough mixing.

> 5 to 10 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid was added to the mixture.

> The flask was placed on a hot plate, in ...

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