Alkynes or acetylenes are compounds that contain a carboncarbon triple bond.

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Alkynes or acetylenes are compounds that contain a carbon–carbon triple bond.


The triple bond results in a molecular formula of CnH2n-2

Ethane         C2H6                0 elements of unsaturation

Ethene        C2H4                1 element of unsaturation

Ethyne        C2H2                2 elements of unsaturation

The triple bond contributes two elements of unsaturation.

Nomenclature of Alkynes

IUPAC nomenclature is similar to that for alkenes, except the –ane ending is replaced with –yne.

The chain is numbered from the end closest to the triple bond.

When additional functional groups are present, the suffixes are combined.

Terminal and Internal Alkynes

The position of the triple bond can alter the reactivity of the alkyne.

Compounds with triple bonds at the end of a molecule are called terminal alkynes. (Terminal C-H groups are called acetylenic hydrogens).

If the triple bond is flanked by alkyl groups on both sides it is an internal alkyne.

Electronic Structure of Alkynes

The triple bond consists of one σ bond and two π bonds.

Each carbon is bonded to two other atoms, and there are no nonbonding electrons.

Carbon requires two hybrid orbitals to bond to the atoms, thus sp hybrids are used.

The sp orbitals are linear and oriented at 180°.

The C-C bond is formed from sp-sp overlap

The C-H bond is formed from sp-s overlap.

Diagram 9-5

The creation of sp hybrids leaves 2 free p orbitals – these create the two π bonds.

The p orbitals overlap just as for an alkene, except there are two π bonds at right angles to one another.

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Diagrams 9-5b,c

This generates a cylinder of electron density around the sigma bond.

The C-C bond length for ethyne is 1.20Å which is shorter than ethane (1.54Å) and ethene (1.33Å).

The C-H bond length in ethyne is 1.06Å which is also shorter than in ethane (1.09Å) or ethene (1.08Å).

This is because the C-H bond contains more s character (sp3→sp2→sp) which gives stronger bonds.

Acidity of Alkynes

Terminal alkynes are acidic, the end hydrogen can be removed as a proton by a strong base.


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