Pb – lead
Cu – copper
Mg – magnesium
Zn – zinc
Fe – iron
The numbers in the table represent the amount of voltage or potential difference that was created.
Analysis of results: The bar graph result shows clearly that the highest potential difference was produced with the combination of Magnesium and Copper in the grapefruit, producing an average of 1.8 V. This confirms my initial prediction, where I stated that a combination of the most reactive and least reactive metal would produce the greatest potential difference. Scientifically, this is de to the reactivity series, oxidation and reduction, and is shown in the electrochemical series. Redox reactions occur more commonly when a reductant and oxidant are placed in direct contact, like Magnesium in copper sulphate solution. In galvanic cells however, they are spaced apart and placed in some form of electrolyte, in this case, a fruit. A conducting external circuit connects them. Let’s assume the electrodes are Magnesium and Copper. Magnesium is a strong reducing agent. Electrons from the copper become free as the magnesium indirectly reacts with the copper through the external conducting material. The electrons move through the conductor to the copper cathode. A reaction takes place at the anode and the magnesium is oxidised:
Mg(s) Mg 2+ (aq) + 2 e-
These extra electrons are now transferred through the conducting circuit, creating a voltage. The amount of voltage is determined by the potential energies of the reductant and the oxidant. Magnesium, due to its reactivity, has a very high potential energy, so the electrons travel from it to the copper, which has a very low potential energy due to its unreactivity. The difference in the potential is called the cell potential difference. If the difference of potential energy is large, then clearly the voltage produced by the galvanic cell will also be large as voltage is potential difference. From the electrochemical series, magnesium has a standard electrode potential of –2.37, and copper has one of +0.34. The difference between the potentials is 2.71, which is large, and therefore this will mean more electrons will be conducted creating a larger current, and also the difference between the potentials will also mean a higher voltage. If the anode was zinc (-0.76) then the difference would be 1.1 – not as large a difference as the magnesium due to it being less reactive. Other examples could be zinc and magnesium, a difference of 1.61, lead (-0.13) and iron (0.04), a difference of 17 and so on. This is how galvanic cells operate, storing chemical energy that is released as electrical energy when a conductor is connected between the two electrodes. This scientific theory supports my initial prediction that the magnesium and copper will produce the highest voltage due to their potential energy difference.
Evaluation: I think that the experiment went quite well. It is hard to spot anomalous results on a bar graph, but I think my results are pretty accurate, and fit my prediction. However I feel accuracy was limited and could have been improved if a set of 3 results was taken, because I only took 2, it is possible that one result could have been wrong and changed the average, while accuracy is increased with three results. There was not enough time to do this though. I think that the results gained using zinc and magnesium were more unreliable than the others, because there were big differences between the two results that were taken. For example, using lead and zinc the first time (in the grapefruit) a voltage of 0.17 was produced, while the second reading was 0.49V. This could be because we didn’t change the metal strips after every fruit, meaning they had been reacting with both the air and the electrolyte/fruit. Accuracy could also have been lacked due to the difficulty in cutting out equal sized strips. We had to use a steel nail of similar surface area because iron foil was unavailable. Fruits are also very unpredictable and vary. I think that we should have perhaps focused on one fruit, like the lemon, and used three different lemons to increase accuracy. This would perhaps be a more useful approach. I believe further investigations are needed to help fulfill the aim of the experiment. I think that acids and alkaline solutions should be used instead of fruits due to their unreliability. This will make the experiment quicker too. The outcome would be more predictable. The distance between the two metals in the fruit could be varied in further work to again test the voltages produced using different combinations of magnesium, iron, zinc, lead and copper. You could start them with a centimetre difference between them, and then increase this by a cm until it reaches 5 cm. A variety of fruits could again be used as a variable in this method. Other variables to be tested are the surface area of the metals and how that would affect the voltage produced, as it clearly seemed to affect my results.