An investigation into the factors that affect The rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate & Hydrochloric Acid

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An investigation into the factors that affect The rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate & Hydrochloric Acid

AIM: to investigate into the factors that affect the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate & Hydrochloric Acid.


50ml Sodium Thiosulphate

10ml Hydrochloric

100ml conical flask distilled water  

Laminated paper with a x on it

Measuring cylinder

Stop watch


DIAGRAM: ok this is more or less what my coursework was like i made quite a few changes but hey thats life. hope you find it useful and i will remember this when were at KES!

PLAN: there are many factors that could change the rate of reaction- temperature of the liquids, concentration of the liquids, adding a catalyst, the size of particles if one part was a solid.

I have chosen to change the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate each time for the experiment. This is because I feel it is the easiest to do with the time and apparatus available. I am changing the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate and not the Hydrochloric Acid because there is more volume of Sodium Thiosulphate. I will make up the concentrations of the Sodium Thiosulphate- 0.25 mol dm-3, 0.23 mol dm-3, 0.2 mol dm-3, 0.18 mol dm-3, 0.15mol dm-3, 0.13 mol dm-3 and put them in test tubes. I will measure out the Hydrochloric acid (10ml) and pour it the conical, which is on top of the laminated paper with a pencilled x on. I will pour one of the concentrated Sodium Thiosulphate test tubes into the beaker start the stopwatch and time until I can no longer see the cross. I will repeat the method with each concentration. I will then repeat the experiment so that I can take an average result so that I don’t get any anomlous readings.

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MAKING IT A FAIR TEST: I will make it a fair test by-  Repeating the experiment so that I can take an average result so that I can eliminate any anomolous readings. Using a measuring cylinder so that I can measure the quantities accurately. Start the stopwatch as soon as I mix the solutions. Stop the stopwatch as soon as the x disappears. Only change one thing per investigation so that I can see what is making the change if any.

SAFETY: to make sure that I and others around me are safe during the experiment I ...

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