An Investigation into what factors affect the amount of Carbon Dioxide produced in the reaction between Marble Chips and Diluted Hydrochloric Acid.

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An Investigation into what factors affect the amount of Carbon Dioxide produced in the reaction Between Marble Chips and Diluted Hydrochloric Acid


    The aim of this experiment is to see if by changing the factors of experiment, will it affect the amount of CO  produced by the reactions. The factors are that we can change the concentration of the acid (hydrochloric acid), which is the factor I have changed, but there are many more variables, as we will see later on in the investigation.




   In this experiment the collision theory is used. This is way to prove that from this theory the rate of reaction will increase as the concentration increases and so the yield will increase. This will happen if the marble chips are in excess and so the yield of gas will then be high, but if the acid is in excess then the yield of gas will be the same. We do know that if the concentration of acid is increased, the reaction will go faster. We can see why from these diagrams.

   In the first diagram we have very few acid particles and so this means that there is not much of a chance of an acid particle hitting a calcium atom.

In diagram two the acid is more concentrated so there are more acid particles and there is now a bigger chance of a collision happening. In the diagram there is a collision happening and if there is enough energy, there will be a reaction, which will successfully happen. If the energy is too low then the particle will bounce off and start again. So the particles will be gradually used up. If the concentration is decreased the reaction will be slower because there are fewer acid particles around so less collisions.

   As we can see in the last picture by the time acid particles have been slowly used up, then the reaction will slow down as the calcium and the acid now have little chance of colliding with each other.

The rate of reaction depends on the amount of successful collisions = reaction speed. If the reaction is going quickly the rate of reaction is high. If it is going slowly the rate is low.    

   From this we can see what the graph should be like, as we know that the reaction will tail off by the end if we left the reaction to completion. This would mean the gradient of the graph would decrease near the end, but as I am only doing 3 mins I should only get a small tailing off.

    There are many variables in this experiment such as surface area, which can make a difference because if the surface area is smaller there are more atoms exposed and so more collisions.

Also the temperature would affect this experiment as if the temperature was to get hotter it might affect the experiment by going faster when at a low concentration.  

    We could also see how a larger temperature range would affect the experiment. By doing a larger temperature range we would probably see that as the temperature got higher the amount of gas produced would get smaller.

      Also as said the concentration will affect the experiment because as the concentration get small the rate of reaction gets lower and the reaction time is longer and the rate of reaction is longer.

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     Also I could have changed the volume of the acid to see if it would make a difference.

     As prelimary work I first started off with 10 of acid and 2g of calcium carbonate. At fist the reaction very quick and in 1min I had collected 100cm of carbon dioxide. So this was too fast so I changed to 1.5g of chips. The reaction in the 3mins collected nearly 180cm of carbon dioxide. So by the end I went to 1g of chips and in the 3mins I produced 130cm of gas which was a good ...

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