An Investigation to See Which Factors Affect the Swinging Of a Pendulum

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An Investigation to See Which Factors Affect the Swinging Of a Pendulum


Our aim is to find out whether changing the variables of the swinging pendulum affects the speed.

Preliminary Work

In order to find out which variable/s affect the swinging of a pendulum, I need to test all the variables available.  

There are three variables we will be investigating:

  • The length of the string
  • The mass of the pendulum
  • The angle from which the pendulum is swung

For each experiment, I will change the length/mass/angle five times, and repeat each length/mass/angle just once. Therefore, I will be doing a total of 15 experiments.

Experiment 1

I will investigate the relationship between the length of the string, and the time it takes for the pendulum to make 1 full swing.

  • Hypothesis:  As the length of the string increases, so does the time.
  • Procedure:  We will test how long it takes for a 80g weight attached to a string to swing from one point and back to the same point.  We will use various lengths of string to test the times of the swing.

However, I will measure the time taken for 10 oscillations rather that 1 and then divide the result by 10, in order to eliminate as much time and reaction error as possible.

Exp 1

Changing Length (variable)

Mass = 80g

Angle = 5o

These results show me that the length of the string does affect the time for the pendulum to swing.

Experiment 2 

I will investigate the relationship between the weight of the pendulum, and the time it takes for the pendulum to make 1 full swing.

  • Hypothesis:  I don’t think the weight will affect the time.
  • Procedure:  We will attach a string to a stand.  At the end of the string, we will attach a weight.  We will then release the string and the weight, and we will let it swing through the air.  We will time how long it takes for the weight to travel through the air and return to the starting point.  After we record the data, we will replace the original weight with one of a different mass.  We will repeat this process five times.

Exp 2

Changing Mass (variable)

Angle = 5 o

Length = 0.3 (30cm)

These results show me that the mass of the pendulum does not affect the time for the pendulum to swing.

Experiment 3 

I will investigate the relationship between the angle of the arc, and the time it takes for the pendulum to make 1 full swing.

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  • Hypothesis:  I don’t think the angle of the arc will affect the time.
  • Procedure:  We will test the time a 80g weight attached to a string takes to swing and return to its original position, whilst measuring the arc at different angles . We will time how long it takes for the pendulum to travel through the air and return to the starting point with an arc of 10 degrees. After we record the data, we will change the angle.  We will repeat this process five times.

Exp 3

Changing angle (variable)

Mass = 80g

Length = ...

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