Are mobile phones dangerous? Research Project.

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Are Mobile Phones Dangerous?


I am looking at ‘Are mobile phones dangerous?’ The case study has some relevance to the current news topics because the findings have been made public and people are always asking ‘are there any risks’, as you will find out there are many theories and supposed evidence, that may or may not be reliable.                                                                                                        In this study I will be looking for a correlation between mobile phone usage and fertility in men, increased risk of brain tumours and other negative side effects such as concentration levels.

Background information: (information from  )

Mobile phones use radio waves however some have a higher frequency so can be classed as microwaves. Radio waves are used for communication. Long wave radio has lengths of about 1km. Mobile telephones are two-way radios. When you talk into a mobile telephone, it picks up your voice and converts the sound to radiofrequency energy (or radio waves). The radio waves travel through the air until they reach a receiver at a nearby base station. The base station then sends your call through the telephone network until it reaches the person you are calling.

When you receive a call on your mobile phone, the message travels through the telephone network until it reaches a base station close to your phone. The base station then sends out radio waves that are detected by a receiver in your telephone, where the signals are changed back into voice or data.

Although mobile phones use radio waves, some can be classed as microwaves. Prolonged exposure to microwaves is known to cause "cataracts" in your eyes, which is a clouding of the lens, preventing you from seeing clearly. Recent research indicates that microwaves from mobile phones can affect parts of your brain - after all, you're holding the transmitter right by your head. Other research is inconclusive, although there is a feeling that you're more vulnerable if you're young and your brain is still growing due to having a softer skull. Results which suggest that mobiles might damage health are actually rare. Those that do tend to have been done with old style analogue phones, which use a much stronger signal than modern phones. The general scientific opinion at the moment is that the benefits of mobile phones seem to outweigh any known dangers.


  • Microwaves are used for cooking food and satellite transmissions both use different frequency which passes easily through the earth’s atmosphere.
  • Microwaves used in cooking pass easily absorbed by their water
  • Satellites use a frequency which passes easily through the ear
  • Microwaves are dangerous
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The electromagnetic spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum is all types of wave that carry energy from one place to another.

The electromagnetic spectrum shows how the amount of energy carried by the wave will change depending on things such as frequency. Here are the different waves:

Brain tumours: (Information from  )

A brain tumour is an abnormal mass of tissue in which some cells grow and multiply uncontrollably, that control normal cells. The growth of a tumour takes up space within the skull and interferes with normal brain activity. A tumour can cause damage ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

Overall the writing is of a good standard but some reformatting of the text and also the addition of footnotes would help with the flow of the essay. Also include discussion of difference between facts and opinions and how that may affect reliability of websites. A few more diagrams, perhaps of waves and maybe mobile phones may help.