Biodegradable Polymers

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Biodegradable polymers are environmentally friendly. Write an article for your school magazine to promote more extensive use of biodegradable polymers in Hong Kong.

As many of you would know, Hong Kong is heavily polluted and solid waste pollution remains a serious problem to be solved.  In Hong Kong, an average of 23000 tonnes solid waste were produced per day, and this figure is obviously increasing.  Among all the solid wastes that we dispose of daily, non-biodegradable plastics are one of the kinds that are the most difficult to handle and pose serious threats to our environment.  But do you ever think of any solutions to this problem?  In fact, everyone can play a part in protecting our Earth from plastics by using biodegradable polymers as substituents.

  Problem caused by non-biodegradable polymers

  We have been using non-biodegradable plastics for so many years that we simply ignore their harmful effects.  Plastics produce various problems in different areas, including ecological, environment and economical fields.

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  A. Ecological problems

    Plasticizers and polychlorinated hydrocarbons used in the manufacture of plastics pose a health hazard and they may incorporate into the food chain, eventually getting into human body.

    Plastic wastes in the sea directly affect fishes.  Small fishes have been found dead with their digestive tracts clogged by fragments of plastic foam they had ingested.  Our sea animals also die of suffocation by plastic bags.

  B. Environmental problems

    As plastics are chemically tailored for long life, they do not generally decomposed in the landfill and remain in the environment ...

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The grammatical and spelling sides of the students writing are fine with the exception of one or two grammatical errors. The layout of the essay is at the level that is expected at GCSE, with the layout being clear and easy to follow. The one way that the student could have improved the language would had been to explain a few of the key terms so that someone who had a very limited knowledge of the subject could follow it. This essay shows a perfect example of how to layout and word an essay.

The analysis given by the student is excellent, this is what gave it the 5 star rating. The fact that the arguments made are backed up with reasoning that has a solid scientific base. The way the essay is broken down into sub headings allows for the examiner to find the points that are worth marks. The use of scientific language is executed very well. It can be tempting when writing a scientific essay to put words in for the sake of sounding clever, but using words sparing sometimes has a greater effect.

The response to the question is explicit and well thought out, the fact that the student has thought logically about the reasoning behind the argument for using bio-degradable plastics. Planning what you are going to write before you do is key in any essay, especially if there are many points you want to make as sometimes you can get mixed up.