Brassica rapa is an extremely fast growing species of plant, finishing its life cycle in around 38 days.

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Brassica rapa is an extremely fast growing species of plant, finishing its life cycle in around 38 days. The plant is a form of turnip with medicinal properties linking it with the suppression of breast and skin cancer.


I will grow these plants under conditions where they have all the nutrients required (the Control) and under conditions where one of the essential macro elements is absent. The six macronutrients, Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Sulphur (S) are required by plants in large amounts.


The macro elements absent in the different plants in the investigation are Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium and Potassium.


Calcium is an important component of plant cell walls and in the structure and permeability of cell membranes. The elongation and division of cells requires Calcium. Calcium aids in the uptake of nitrogen. Calcium deficiency can prevent the lateral buds and root tips from forming resulting in reduced growth.


Phosphorous is used in energy transfers and storage in plants. Adenosine di- and triphosphate are important forms that phosphates occur in that are involved in the energy transfer processes e.g. from the cytochrome system in glycolysis. The uptake of nutrients and their movement through transpiration require these energy transfer processes. Also, Phosphorous is important as a component of many proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids. Phosphorous is a component of phospholipids which make up most of cell membranes. Phosphorous increases root growth which allows the plant to take up water and nutrients at a higher rate. Phosphorous increases rate of flower and fruit production.


Magnesium is used to produce chlorophyll molecules and is also used in enzyme activation. Most energy processes involving ATP require Magnesium. Magnesium is also a component of ribosomes in plants.


Potassium is important as a regulatory molecule in photosynthesis, energy production, starch synthesis, and protein synthesis. Potassium is different than the other nutrients since it is not incorporated into any organic compounds but remains as an ion in the plant. It forms part of the cytoplasm and helps to lower water loss from the leaves and increase water uptake by the plants roots. Potassium increases the growth of tubers and bulbs if they are present in the plant. It helps improve the plant’s disease resistance and lowers the numbers of insect problems. It increases the strength of the stems and also improves the colour of leaves and flowers.  




To determine the effects of macro element deficiencies in plants by investigation.  




All plants but the control should develop some form of deficiency symptom. Extra quantitative results were taken in relation to water uptake levels since this information shows aspects of the deficiencies that cannot be accurately measured such as leaf surface area and root size/length.

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As well as quantitative results, observational results were taken in the course of the investigation within a log book since these results are more important than the other results as they deal with aspects such as colour, leaf death, wilting and degree of branching in root system.




My hypothesis is that the plants grown in Calcium deficient solutions will show stunted growth of stalk and roots as well as the appearance of curved leaves.

The plants grown in Phosphorous deficient solutions will have very stunted growth, red/purple bases, older leaves becoming purple and poor flower growth.


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