Car exhaustsEffect on environment/humansHow to reduceRole of catalysts

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Car exhaustsEffect on environment/humansHow to reduceRole of catalystsHydrocarbonsWhen car is filled up with petrol (vapourisation).Present in petrol. Released in
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exhaust fumesCarcinogens. Combine to produce photochemical smog. Affects asthmatics most.Use catalytic converters. Better engine design. Improve petrol tank and pump design. Adjust the fuel-oxygen ratio.Carbon MonoxideIncomplete combustion.Attaches to haemoglobin in humans – stops oxygen from being absorbed. Is toxic.Adjust fuel:oxygen ratio. Use catalytic converters. Add oxygenates.CO2Burning off hydrocarbons.Greenhouse gas – global warming. Non hydrocarbon fuels. Oxides of NNitrogen in the air reacts with oxygen and heat in the engineProduces smog when reacts with sunlight. Acid rain – damages building, kills plant and fish…Catalytic converters – changes oxides back to N2Oxides of SBurning off sulphur compounds present in fuel.Acid rain. Removing ...

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The role of catalysts common is left blank, so it looks untidy, and should either be completed or not included at all if is not relevant. The overall essay would have looked better in an essay format rather than tables, because whilst the tables are much easier to read and analyse, this sort of essay calls for a scientific essay long format. Also the use of bullet points to separate each statement. Grammar, spelling and punctuation all okay.

The candidate assesses a variety of effects of exhausts on the human population and also provides a variety of ways in which each problem can be improved which is good to see. However, it would have been better to include some depth to the science and include some scientific equations, such as to explain why catalytic converters make combustion more efficient and reduce the affect on the general population. They do include some overall details and conclusion on the main use of catalytic converters at the end but a valid well defined conclusion on the methods and what they reduce would have been better to show greater consideration of the essay research.

The response to the question is done adequately as the candidate considers a number of effects on the population and how to improve it, but the essay lacks real scientific depth behind it.