Chemistry Coursework

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How does temperature affect the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium?


The collision theory is a theory that is used to explain how chemical reactions occur. For a reaction to happen, the particles of the substances that are reacting have to collide. The smallest amount of kinetic energy that two particles need to react when they collide is called the activation energy.  

In any reaction, the particles will have a wide range of energies.  This can sometimes be shown on a graph called the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution which shows the number of particles having a particular energy. Although the graph only applies to gases, the same idea can also be used for reactions involving liquids.

If we mark the activation energy on the graph we can see that most of the particles do not have enough energy to react when they collide.

So to make the particles react we either have to change the shape of the curve or move the activation energy more to the left.

Keeping this in mind, there are 4 main variables which affect the rate of reaction.

  • The concentration of the substances which are reacting.
  • The size of the particles
  • The temperature
  • Whether or not a catalyst is present.

The first two variables do not affect the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution.  The way they increase the rate of reaction is by increasing the probability of a collision.  If the concentration of a solution is increased then there are more reacting particles in the same volume and so there is a greater chance of them colliding with each other.  Similarly, if the reacting particles are bigger, then there is a greater chance they will collide.

However, the last two variables do affect the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution.  The use of a catalyst provides a different path for the reaction which has a lower activation energy.  Therefore, a catalyst moves the activation energy to the left on the curve.

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During this investigation I will be concentrating on how temperature affects the rate of reaction. At higher temperatures, particles have more kinetic energy and move around faster. This should have two main effects:

  • More collisions take place
  • When a collision happens there is a greater chance that the collision will be followed by a reaction.  This is because the amount of energy is likely to be bigger then the activation energy.


Based on what I have discussed above, my hypothesis is:

The higher the temperature the greater the rate of reaction.



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