Chemistry revision notes - 4 methods of making salts.

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4 Methods of Making Salt

Method 1 : Acids + Metals

  • Many reactive metals form salts when reacted with acids
  • Displacement reaction ( X Neutralisation reaction)
  • When Metal and Acid react  Salt and Hydrogen gas is formed
  • Only work for metals more reactive than hydrogen (But Aluminium doesn’t work because the impermeable layer aluminium oxide make it resistant to attack by acid)
  • Metals below hydrogen don’t react (e.g. copper, silver) & Metals at top of the reactivity series is never added to acid because they are too dangerous (e.g. sodium, potassium)

Acid + Metal  a Salt + Hydrogen

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E.G.                        2HCL(aq) + Mg(s)  MgCL2(aq) + H2(g)

Hydrochloric Acid + Magnesium  Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen

Method 2 : Acid + Insoluble Base

  • Neutralisation reaction
  • When Acid and Base react  Salt and Water is formed
  • The salt made depends on the acid used and the metal in the base/alkali

- (e.g. Nitric acid always make nitrate, Sulfur acid always make sulfate, Hydrochloric acid always make chloride)

- (e.g. Base contain Sodium ions always make sodium salt, base contain Potassium ions always make potassium salt)

Acid + Base  a Salt + Water

E.G.                         6HCL(aq) + Fe2O3(s)  2FeCL3(aq) ...

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