Chromatography and Solvents

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Chromatography is a method of separating compounds and mixtures so that they can be identified and analyzed. The word chromatography means color writing. There are many kinds of chromatography such as the thin layer chromatography, Partition chromatography, Column chromatography, and Paper chromatography. Chromatography is important in the analysis of processes and materials such as environmental contamination, food, drugs, blood, petroleum products, and radioactive fission products. It has many uses in the rapidly evolving biotechnology industry. The chromatography sorbents help purify problems in the production of drugs.

Equipment used for chromatography is essential for chemical laboratories today.  With these devices, scientists can identify chemical compounds in complex mixtures such as smog, cigar smoke, and even coffee aroma. Chromatography could be used to show how much of one substance there is in a mixture. Solvents are used to separate mixtures. Some solvents that we see every day are nail polish remover, water, rubbing alcohol, and vinegar.

In chromatography, the components go through 2 phases called the mobile phase and stationary phase. The stationary phase may be solid, liquid, liquid supported on a solid, or gel. They may be packed in a column, spread as a layer, or distributed as a film. The mobile phase may be gaseous or liquid. In paper chromatography, the filter paper is the stationary phase and the solvent is the mobile phase. The separation is achieved when the solutes in the mobile phase and stationary phase results in different retention lines for the different chemical compounds.

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The chromatographic system consists of 3 components which are solvents, soluble, and sorbents. Solvents are used to dissolve solutes to form a solution. Not all solvents have to be liquid and not all solutes have to be solid. Higher temperatures of the solvent usually increase the dissolving of the solute. One exception to this is that the solubility of gas in liquid usually decreases with temperature. If the components of this system react chemically with each other than the inert substance dispersing the reactants is the inert solvent. Chemical reactions will also dissolve more solutes. Water is an excellent solvent ...

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