Combustion of Alcohol Investigation

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Combustion of Alcohol Investigation


In order to investigate the heats of combustion of a series of alcohols, I am going to measure the amount of energy that each alcohol gives out when it is burned.

I will carry out an experiment to see how much heat energy each of the alcohols will give off when it is burned in air. I will investigate the energy transferred by each alcohol and also the energy transferred per mole, by each alcohol. I will also look at bond energies.


empty tin can

crucible + mineral wool

A tripod and gauze


Support for crucible to stand on

2 x 1.69g of Methanol

2 x 1.69g of Ethanol

2 x 1.69g of Propanol

2 x 1.69g of Butanol

2 x 1.69g of Pentanol

00 cm³ of Water

Ruler to measure distance from crucible to tin can

Matches or cigarette lighter to ignite fuel

A balance


.69g of one of the five Alcohols I am using will be placed, along with some mineral wool, in a crucible; which will then be weighed on a balance. The crucible containing the fuel and the mineral wool will then be placed underneath the tripod and gauze. I will then use a ruler to check that the distance between the crucible and the gauze is 14cm. A tin can will be placed on top of the gauze, directly above the crucible, it will be filled with 100 cubic centimetres of water. I will then take the temperature of the water, before lighting the fuel in the crucible.
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I will wait until the fuel in the crucible has stopped burning and then I will take the temperature of the water again. I will then weigh the crucible and it's contents. I will make every effort to ensure that all the fuel in the crucible is used (burned) each time. I will also endeavour to make sure that exactly 1.69g of each fuel is used each time. No more and no less.

All results will be repeated to make the results ultimately more accurate.


When you burn a fuel, in this case ...

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