Concentrations of Acid

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Concentrations of Acid


Rate of reaction is the time taken for a reaction to take place from start to completion.

In this experiment we will be investigating how the concentration of acid affects the rate of reaction.

Other factors that affect rate of reaction are the surface area of the substance being reacted, the temperature, any movement during the reaction or any catalyst used.

Substances react because of the collision theory. This is that particles of acid collide with a substance faster the hotter it is because they have more energy. The amount of particles that are exposed to the acid (surface area) is also a factor.


In this experiment we will aim to find out how the concentration of acid affects the rate of reaction of a piece of magnesium.


From the scientific knowledge I have, I predict that the stronger the concentration of acid the faster the magnesium will react. I know this because of the collision theory. The more particles there are of acid the more there are to collide with the magnesium particles and react.
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Fair test.

To make the experiment a fair test we will have to keep the conditions the same. We have to keep the temperature the same and not stir the acid while it is reacting with the magnesium. Any increase in temperature would cause the particles to move faster and collide more often. If it were stirred it would have the same effect.

We will use the same volume of acid each time and use a 1cm piece of magnesium which has been sanded down to remove the oxide layer.

The only thing that we ...

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