continental drift

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Continental Drifting

In this course work I will discuss the arguments for and against continental drifting and use them to explain why a) continental drifting is a fact

                                              b) Continental drifting is the cause of earthquakes,        mountains and volcanoes.

I will do this by applying the works of scientists’ theories of continental drifting, the study of plate tectonics and diagrams of the Earth’s structure.

Alfred Wegener, the German scientist and meteorologist began his theory of continental drifting in 1915. He went against other professional scientists and geologists and predicted that the continents were slowly ‘drifting’ around the Earth. It offered an explanation of the existence of similar fossils and rocks on continents that are far apart from each other. He came to the conclusion that the Earth was once one ‘super continent,’ "" (meaning "All-Lands" or "All-Earth"), that slowly broke apart over millions of years. The rest of the Earth was   covered with one huge ocean.

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Before Wegener’s theory, it was believed mountains formed because the Earth was cooling down, and in doing so contracted. It then formed wrinkles, or mountains, in the Earth's crust. Similar to this apple.  However this is not true, because if the idea was correct, mountains would be spread evenly over the Earth's surface.  

Wegener revealed that mountains are actually formed as the border of two drifting continents crash into each other causing one to fold in on its self. For example, the Himalayas were formed when India came into contact with Asia.

Plate Tectonics


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