Design an Experiment to show how exercise can affect Heart Rate in Humans.

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Anish Amin L6AJWH

Design an Experiment to show how exercise can affect Heart Rate in Humans


          The experiment was carried out but prior to this a few modifications were made.


          The time allowed for recovery was not between 2 to 4 minutes as planned, instead it was 5 minutes.  Instead of using the stairs to carry out the experiment, we used a bench.  A metronome was not used during the experiment.


  • It was hard to always get the resting heart rate before each exercise and so instead we waited until the resting heart rate was within 5 beats/minute of the original one.
  • The resting heart rate was measured for 30 seconds, three times before the exercise whereas the finishing heart rate was measured once for 15 seconds after the exercise. These were made up to beats/minute as shown in the table of results.

          The set of results in bold indicate my results to the experiment, whilst the other results are the pool results.  My actual results to the experiment are shown below.

  • The values highlighted in red were identified as anomalous in this table of results as they did not fit with the general trend of the results. These results were therefore omitted from the calculation for the averages.
  • The values of averages in the table are noted to 2 decimal places.


          The following graph was made to show the relationships between the average heart rate (beats/minute) and number of steps climbed up and down. Two anomalous results were found on the graph, however on the graph they were not classified as anomalies as both of the points were close to the line of best fit.


          From the table of results and the graph it is evident that as the number of steps increases (ie as the amount of exercise increases) the heart rate increases. This positive correlation is also clear as the line of best fit on the graph has a positive gradient – it slopes upwards. But what is also clear in the graph is that as the number of steps increase, the heart beat increases at a decreasing rate. This is because the gradient of the line gradually decreases and it becomes shallower and therefore becomes a curve. But there are reasons why this correlation occurs.

        As we stepped up and down off the bench, the muscles in our legs were made to work harder and to respire more in order to create more energy for muscle contraction. Therefore, more oxygen was needed for more respiration to take place. The only way that muscles are supplied with oxygen is through the blood and as a result an increased blood flow was needed and to do this, the heart had to pump the blood more quickly to the muscles and so had to beat faster. This allowed an increased rate of contraction hence increasing the heart rate. Also as the muscles respire more, faster and use up more oxygen, there is a fall in concentration of oxygen causing the veins bringing blood back to the body to get wider. More blood therefore enters the heart and stretches its walls more than normal. The heart responds to this by beating faster and with greater strength. (“A New Introduction to Biology” by Indge, Rowland and Baker) Therefore this also creates an increase in heart rate.

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        The cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped out of the left side of the heart in one minute. This would therefore increase during exercise. Cardiac output is the product of stroke volume and heart rate. Therefore stroke volume also increases during exercise, this is the volume of blood pumped out of the heart at each beat. This works with the heart rate as an increase stroke volume stretches the aorta and carotids (due to the high pressure caused by more blood) which signal the cardiac inhibitory centre to slow the heart rate and this prevents the heart from ...

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This is a well researched and written report. 1. The start of the report is missing several sections, including an introduction, aim and method. 2. The results tables are well presented. 3. The conclusion justifies the patterns well but needs to be linked to the data. 4. The evaluation is the strongest section and shows good understanding of scientific processes. ****