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In order to avoid extinction species must reproduce and pass their genes on to the next generation, thus ensuring the survival of the population. For reproduction to occur cell division is necessary and this can be divided into two categories according to the behaviour of the chromosomes, they are known as mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is when the daughter cells finish up containing exactly the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell, typically two of each type, known as the diploid state. Mitosis takes place when an organism grows or reproduces asexually. Meiosis is when each daughter cell ends up with exactly half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell, one of each type, which is known as the haploid state. Meiosis is associated with sexual reproduction and generally takes place in the formation of gametes or in some cases' spores.

Asexual reproduction is the process of one individual organism producing one or more new individuals. It does not involve the combination of genetic material from two different individuals and therefore the new individuals are clones of the parent organism. Mutation is the only variation that occurs in asexual reproduction, unless mutation occurs all the members of clones share the same genetic constitution. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes, this is known as fertilisation. The genetic material from two different individuals is mixed and combined to produce an individual that is genetically different from either parent. All individuals, unless they are identical twins are genetically unique, this process produces variation within the population. Many organisms that carry out asexual reproduction also carry out sexual reproduction at some stage in their lifecycle, hardly any animal species use it as their only means of reproduction.
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Asexual reproduction in animals has three main methods of reproducing, which are budding, parthenogenesis and regeneration. Budding simply consists of an organism developing an outgrowth which on detachment forms a new self supporting individual. Parthenogenesis or "virgin birth" is when unfertilised eggs develop into new individuals and regeneration happens when an organism's body is broken into fragments, then each fragment can then develop into a new individual. Using these methods avoids the need to find a mate and also rapidly increases the number of organisms in a population, all of which are advantages of asexual reproduction. However, these ...

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This is a well researched essay that is very well written. 1. The essay should use subheadings to lead the reader through the different sections. 2. The essay could benefit from the use of examples and images to illustrate concepts. 3. The language used is very concise and the essay flows very well. ****