Discuss the uses of water in the body.

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Water has a very important role in the lives of all living organisms.

Our bodies are nearly 60% water. All life evolved in water, and therefore all chemical reactions and the structure of all molecules that make up the body require
water. Water is the single most essential molecule for life. Water also
is a convenient transport system, explaining why fluids (for example,
blood) transport nutrients and many other things throughout our

As I have mentioned before, the human body consists mostly of water: 60% of the body, 75% of the blood, 78% of the muscles and 92% of the brain. The body therefore relies very heavily on water to function properly. Water regulates body temperature, is responsible for the transport of nutrients and wastes around the body and is very important in maintaining a healthy and balanced homeostasis (control & regulation of the body's functions).

Without food the average human can survive up to 40 days; without water you cannot survive for more than 3 days. When the body loses water this is known as dehydration. If the water is not replaced at the required levels, it can have serious results: drowsiness, loss of concentration, headaches, kidney failure, liver damage and in extreme cases death. Water is lost through the skin and the amount depends on the level of activity of the body and the external conditions. The skin also forms the body's barrier against the forces of the environment: sun, cold, heat, wind, salt and pollutants. The skin therefore requires constant attention and care to ensure the strength as well as the vitality and appearance of this essential barrier.

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What happens to your body when you’re dehydrated?

  • Your brain won’t work properly - you’ll be groggy, slow, and feel out of it
  • You’ll lose muscle tone
  • Your kidneys won’t be able to function; toxins and wastes will back up in your body, making you feel generally crummy
  • You’ll have trouble regulating your body temperature; you make feel overheated, or you may feel chronically cold and unable to get warm.
  • You’ll get constipated
  • Fats stored in your body won’t get used up or metabolised
  • You’ll think you’re hungry all the time, and so ...

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