During pregnancy the embryo, consisting of a small number of identical cells, undergoes a series of changes which results in the production of a body consisting of specialized tissues and cells. Describe the changes which occur during this process

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Human Reproduction Essay

During pregnancy the embryo, consisting of a small number of identical cells, undergoes a series of changes which results in the production of a body consisting of specialized tissues and cells. Describe the changes which occur during this process and briefly discuss how the process is controlled:

In my essay I am going to discuss how the cells develop at different stages of change, cleavage, gastrulation and implantation then I am going to discuss the formation of a variety of organs and go into detail with one.

Fertilization and Cleavage

24 hours post fertilization the zygote, formed by fusion of the two haploid gametes (sperm and ovum) undergoes mitotic division. After fertilization of the egg, cleavage gives rise to 2 cells, 4 cells, 8 cells, 16 cells and 32 cells. At this stage the embryo consists of similar cells. Then subdivision occurs into the inner cell mass and the trophoblast giving rise to cells destined to form the embryo and the extra-embryonic tissues. It takes around a week for these cleavages to occur and for the embryo to move down the Fallopian tube into the uterus, where it will implant in the wall of the uterus. At about the time of implantation the inner cell mass becomes subdivided into two tissue layers and the embryo forms a disc.


Is the fourth phase of development. During this phase, cells from the surface of the blastula invaginate through an opening called the blastopore to the inside of the blastula, forming the gastrula. During this process of gastrulation the cells come to form three germinal layers called ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

At the start of gastrulation the presumptive tissues are mostly in the surface of the blastula, towards the end of gastrulation the presumptive tissues have been moved to their locations.

A blastocyst is a single-layered sphere of cells around a cavity which is fluid filled, with a dense mass of cells put together at one side. The inner cell mass (dense mass) is destined to become the embryo. The outer trophoblast layer is responsible for accomplishing implantation.

Figure 1 below illustrates early stages of development from fertilization to implantation: (fertilized ovum divides into blastocyst when it moves from the process of fertilization to implantation in the uterus)

Figure 1 (Human Physiology: from cells to systems -Lauralee Sherwood 4th edition)

When the body reaches this stage (blastocyst) in the uterus, the zona pellucida starts to disappear this allows the trophoblast cells and cells of endometrium to become in contact. In this process the trophoblast practically invades the walls, getting its nutrients from the endometrium which allows the trophoblast cells to multiply. Approximately seven to nine days after fertilization, the blastocyst becomes embedded inside the endometrium –this is implantation.

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Figure 2 below illustrates the implantation of the blastocyst; - (a) blastocyst adheres to the endometrial lining (b) trophoblastic cells move into endometrium. Disintegration of boundaries between the cells) (c) when implantation finishes the blastocyst is fully buried in the endometrium:

Figure 2 (Human Physiology: from cells to systems- Lauralee Sherwood- 4th edition)

Now the trophoblast cells separate into an inner and outer layer, which is the chorion. The chorion forms finger-like ...

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