Effect of concentration of the acid&alkali on heat of neutralization

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Neutralization of an acid and base is an exothermic process, that is, energy will be liberated. As we do not see any changes to the solution when during the reaction, except for its temperature rising, we can safely assume that most, if not all, of the energy is given off as heat energy. Therefore, when an acid and base is mixed together, it will react and produce energy in the form of heat, and as a result, the temperature of the solution will rise. This rise in temperature can then be measured using a thermometer, and the amount of energy released can be found out using the equation  which will be explained below.

The list of questions that we have were:

  1. How would the concentration of acid and the base reacting affect the heat of neutralisation?
  2. How would the strength of acids and bases affect the heat of neutralisation? E.g. Do HCl and NaOH produce more heat when reacted as compared to CH3COOH and NH3 given that the concentrations are the same?
  3. What are the possible applications of the heat of neutralisation?
  4. What are the possible ways to reduce the heat of neutralization in case a patient taking antacids is sensitive to heat?
  5. Does the heat of neutralisation depend on the type of Acid Base combination?
  6. Does the heat of neutralisation depend on the temperature of the surroundings?
  7. How would the physical states of the reactants affect the heat of neutralisation?
  8. How would miscible impurities affect the heat of neutralisation?
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Thus, we chose the first question, that is, if the concentration of the acid and base reacting would affect the heat of neutralization. We chose HCl to be the acid and NaOH to be the base as they are a strong acid and base respectively, and also, since the chemical equation of the reaction is:

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)  NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

They require an equal volume in order to neutralize each other given that the concentration is the same.

Our hypothesis is thus: A higher concentration of the acid and base would produce a higher heat during the reaction


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*** The student has carried out an experiment to investigate the effect of changing concentrations of acids and bases on the heat of neutralization and produced a sensible set of data. The experiment had a stated hypothesis, with clear direction on how this was to be tested. The experimental data was limited by an insufficient range and number of repeats and failure to consider heat loss in the experiment. The report's conclusion is concise but there is no evaluation used to look at laboratory procedures and improvements to the methodology. Planning A prediction has been made but it would be helpful to make this quantitative. A procedure has been planned but it would be preferable to see some attempt to assess hazards. The range is limited and no repeats were carried out. A number of key factors were not considered during the planning stage such as limiting heat loss from the containers. Carrying out the experiment The results are fairly clearly recorded but there were no repeats and the range was limited. Analysis The graph was well presented and the pattern of results was recognized. The data was processed to calculate the heat of neutralization. Evaluation Unfortunately there was no evaluation of the procedure.