Effects of Exercise on Blood Sugar Level and Pulse Rate.

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Biology Course Work 1

Topic:  Effects of Exercise on Blood Sugar Level and Pulse Rate.                

Hypothesis:   I hypothesize that during exercise the blood sugar level will rise and the pulse rate will increase.


                                     Background Knowledge: 

One of the most important metabolites in the blood is glucose. Its level must be controlled strictly. Glucose is the main respiratory substrate and must be supplied continuously to cells. The brain cells are especially dependant on glucose and are unable to use any other metabolites as an energy source. Lack of glucose results in fainting.

The normal glucose level in the blood is 90 mg per 100 cm3 blood, but may vary from 70 mg per 100 cm3 blood during fasting up to 150 mg per 100 cm3 blood following a meal.

During exercise, the rate of respiration will increase because the body has to break down more of sugar store in presence of oxygen to carbon dioxide and water to produce energy.

The following equation is a summary of the reaction:

C6H12O6  +  6O2     →   6CO2    +    6H2O     +  38 ATPs

Effects of Exercise on Body’s Metabolic Processes and Hormone Production:

Respiration is a process by which the body uses sugar for energy. Carbohydrates, one of the three principal constituents of food, form the bulk of the average human diet. The end product of the digestion and assimilation of all forms of carbohydrate is a simple sugar, glucose, commonly called grape sugar when found in food, or blood sugar when found in the human body. The metabolism of fats and of certain protein substances also sometimes leads to the production of glucose. Glucose is the principal fuel that the muscles and other portions of the body consume to produce energy. It is present in every cell and almost every fluid of the body and maintaining its concentration are among the most important processes in human physiology.

During exercise the body needs more amount of oxygen and glucose for respiration. The endocrine glands release hormones that increase heart beat and respiration , elevate blood sugar level , increase prespiration , dilate the pupils and slow down digestion because the digestion process consumes a lot of energy which is needed by the body during exercise.

One of the main hormones secerted during exercise by the endocrine glands namely Adrenal Gland is Adrenaline. Adrenaline is not necessary for the maintainence of life and is normally present in the blood in minute quantities. In times of exertion, however, large additional quantities are secreted, exerting a marked effect on the body structures in preparation for physical exertion. It stimulates the heart, constricts the small blood vessels, raises blood pressure, liberates sugar stored in the liver and relaxes certain involuntary muscles while contracting others.

The following table shows the effect of hormone Adrenaline and the purpose of its response in the case of exercise.


When the glucose level in the blood falls during exercise more glucose is formed by the action of another hormone called Glucagon. The pancreas produces glucagon. Its function is to help maintain a normal blood-sugar level. As opposed to insulin, which is a hormone that serves to lower the level of glucose in the blood, Glucagon raises this sugar level by stimulating the breakdown of the compound glycogen into the glucose units of which it consists. The hormone also stimulates the production of glucose from amino acids. This hormone is mainly considered with the breaking down of glycogen to glucose in the liver and has to reaches all parts of the body and serves the requirement of increased glucose levels.

Effects of Exercise on Blood Circulation :

During exercise the body also requires a good supply of oxygenated blood as well. All this is achieved by increasing the cardiac output and by pumping propotionately more of the body’s blood to the muscles. Even the anticipation of exercise increases the stroke volume and heart rate at full speed. A sprinter’s heart may beat more than 200 times per minute. The pulse rate increase during exercise is related to the higher heart beat rate. When blood enters the arteries at the moment of ventricular contraction, the blood streches the walls of the arteries. During diastole, the distended arteries return to their normal diameter, in part because of the elasticity of connective tissue and in part because of the contraction of muscles in the arterial walls. This return to normal is imporatnt in maintaining a continuous flow of blood through the capillaries during the period while the heart is at rest. The expansion and contraction of the arterial walls that can be felt in all the arteries near the surface of the skin is called pulse.

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The heart rate remains high for a while after exercise.

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