Experiment Report: Studying a simple harmonic oscillator.

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Name: Yu Wai So (19) 6S

Experiment Report: Studying a simple harmonic oscillator


The simple harmonic motion of a pendulum can be studied by attaching a ticker-tape to a pendulum bob and analyzing the dots marked on the tape.


In this experiment, a string was used to suspend a 0.5 kg mass.

Refer to the diagram above,

Considering the tangential force on the mass,


∴The oscillation is simple harmonic.

Therefore, we can find out more on simple harmonic motion by analyzing the ticker-tape we obtained after the experiment.  


  1. 0.5 kg ringed mass
  2. 1.5 m length of string
  3. Ticker-tape timer
  4. Ticker-tape
  5. Low voltage power supply (a.c.)
  6. Retort stand and clamp


  1. The apparatus as shown in the figure was set up. A pendulum was suspend by a string and was attached to a retort stand and clamp. A ticker- tape was attached to the mass and was inserted to the ticker-tape timer. The mass was pulled to one side. The timer was switched on and the mass was allowed to swing to the other side.

  1. After the pendulum reached its highest position, the ticker-tape timer was switched off and the ticker-tape was detached from the mass. The dots marked on the tape were examined. During the oscillation, the pendulum bob accelerated and then decelerated when it was approaching its highest position. The acceleration of the bob was always pointing towards its equilibrium position.
  2. The two most widely spaced dots were marked on the tape – the zero position of the pendulum bob was found.  
  3. Every dot on the tape was marked from the zero position. The displacements of these points from the zero position were measured and the corresponding time was worked out. Time interval between two successive dots = 0.02 s.
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  1. These data was plotted on a displacement-time (x-t) graph.

  1. The velocity was found at suitable points on the x-t graph by working out the slope of the curve.

  1. A velocity-time (v-t) graph was plotted.
  2. The acceleration was found at the suitable points on the v-t graph by working out the slopes. The corresponding displacement was also found.
  3. A displacement-acceleration (x-a) graph was plotted.
  4. The graph was commented in the following part of this report.


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This is a good report that covers the necessary components of an investigation. 1. The theory section is small and should ideally be expanded on using researched information. 2. The results tables are the wrong way around. 3. The use of calculation is the strongest aspect of the report. 4. The conclusion and evaluations should be written as fluent paragraphs. *** (3 stars)