Explain the factors that affect the distribution of plant and animal species

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Arisara 12J

Explain the factors that affect the distribution of plant and animal species. Using examples from the living world

Different species of plants and animals require different factors in order for it to survive. Positive factors could encourage the growth of different species, hence alter the distribution as species struggle to survive, vice versa negative factors would decrease the growth of species in the area. Species of plants possesses characteristics that allow it to survive in certain conditions. This is why the distributions of plants vary from one area to another. Each species must be able to successfully capture these resources and use them to acquire energy and biomass for growth and reproduction.  Yet resources are limited in natural environments, so plants face selective pressure for growth performance without excessive use of resources

One of the factors that affect the distribution of plants is temperature. Most species of plant live in moderate temperature zones (around 35°C) is due to the fact that the enzymes, biological catalyst which speed up reaction in plant cells work at the best rate in an optimum temperature. As temperature increases the more energy enzymes have to move around and speed up reaction but up to a certain temperature. Too high temperatures (above 45°C) would denature enzymes and retards growth of plants. Low temperatures decrease enzyme activity, therefore they are unable to work and freezing temperatures inactivate enzymes. The ranges of some species are determined by the climate is well known in botanical circles: Short leaved Lime trees, (Tilia cordata), reach a northern limit in Britain in the southern Lake District and Northumbria, approximately on the isotherm of 18 degrees Celsius average daily air temperature. This species is limited by the effect of low summer temperatures on the development of reproductive structures: Above this line it is too cold for successful pollen tube development, and thus seed cannot be fertilised.

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Water is also needed for enzyme activity, transport, photosynthesis and support. Water allows osmotic balance between the outside and inside the cells of plants. Water is also needed for support for non woody plants and determines its turgidity. Too little water will cause the cells to flaccid, plasmolysis will occur and plant will wilt and eventually die if there’s no water available. Water is also a habitat for aquatic plants such as duckweeds. Therefore the distribution of duckweeds would be concentrated in areas where there is water available such as ponds in tropical rain forest. Desert scrubs vegetation is found ...

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