Extracting Copper from Malachite

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Amy Trinnaman 11A2


Extracting Copper from Malachite

We extracted Copper from Malachite using a displacement reaction. Although electrolysis can also be used.

 We used 5g of malachite and dissolved it in sulphuric acid; this was to separate the sand and the copper, because the copper dissolves into the solution but the sand remains separate. This was an exothermic reaction.

 We then filtered the solution to separate the sand from the Copper Sulphate solution. We then dried the sand in order to remove any excess water and weighed it.

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Then using a displacement reaction we added zinc to the solution (because it is higher in the reactivity series than copper) the solution gradually turned light blue, producing zinc sulphate. After flittering this solution copper was formed. We then weighed the copper.


Sand = 1.91g

Copper Ore = 3.09g

Copper = 1.58g

% Copper in Malachite = 1.58  5  100 = 31.6%

%Copper on Copper Ore = 1.58  3.09  100 = 51.4

Theoretical %

CuCO  Cu(OH)  H 0

2 Cu 63.5  2 = 127

6 O 16  6 = 96

4 H 1 ...

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The punctuation, grammar and spelling are all to a good standard. The layout is done okay being split into clear subheadings and paragraphs, but sometimes the text is waffly and hard to follow.

The method is not very clear as it is not presented in consecutive stages or steps that are clearly defined. The candidate should have used bullet points. Apart from this the experiment can be followed and the candidate mainly communicates clearly. The % copper calculations used are not clear in how they are worked out. The theoretical % is also not presented clearly in the working out. The candidate points out improvements to the things that may have gone wrong in the experiment which is good, and the candidate correctly compares actual figures to theoretical figures.

The response to the investigation is done well. The candidate successfully explains the experiment and the experiment seems accurate and done correctly. The only improvement would be the layout of the working out which is hard to interpret. The evaluation could be improved by pointing out things that may have confounded the experiment results and other possible improvements