Factors Affecting the Current Flowing

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Factors Affecting the Current Flowing

Through A Metallic Conductor


An atom consists of a positively-charged nucleus with negatively-charged electrons moving around it. Charge is measured in Coulombs and the charge on an electron is 1.6 x 10-19C. Most atoms have an equal number of positive and negative charges; therefore the overall charge is zero. However, in some atoms it is easy to remove an electron, leaving an atom with an unbalanced number of positive charges. This is called a positive ion.

When a battery is connected across the ends of the metal, the free electrons move towards the positive terminal of the battery which produces an electric current. When a metal atom gives away a free electron which has a charge of 1.6 x 10-19C, it gains a positive charge. The free electrons move amongst the positive ions, whereas the positive ions can only vibrate about their fixed positions. The free electron is a current carrier; for an electric of 1 ampere, 1 coulomb of electric charge moves every second.

The Current in Amperes can be calculated using the following equation:

       Q                                        Where Q = Electric Charge

I = ──                                                    I = Current

        t                                              and t = Time

There are many factors that affect the amount of current flowing through a metallic conductor:

  • Length of wire
  • Thickness of wire
  • Temperature of wire
  • Voltage
  • Material of wire

All solids are made up of atoms that constantly vibrate about their positions. The higher the temperature, the greater the vibration. Electric current is the flow of free electrons through the material. As the electrons move, they collide with the vibrating atoms, so their movement is hampered. The more the atoms vibrate, the greater the chance of collision; this means that the current is less and the resistance is greater.

All materials have some resistance to a flow of charge. A potential difference across the material causes free electrons inside the conductor to accelerate. As the electrons move through the material, they collide with the atoms of the material which are in their way. They transfer some kinetic energy before they accelerate again. It is the transfer of energy on collision that causes electrical heating which decreases current.

The type of wire also affects the amount of current that passes through. The more tightly the atom holds onto its outer electrons the harder it will be for current to flow. If a shell is almost full then the atom will be less likely to let its electron move at random and so the material is an insulator. If the outer shell is less then half-full then the atom will let the electron move randomly and so the material conducts.

The thicker the wire is, the smaller the resistance and the higher the current, this is because there is a bigger area for the charges to travel through, with less chance of collision. The cross sectional area is directly proportional to the current.

The factor that I am investigating is Length and this will be the independent variable. The length of the wire has a great effect on the current that can flow through a metal conductor. I predict that the shorter wire will allow the most current through and the longer wire will allow the least current through. This is because the resistance increases as the length of the wire increases, and so the current decreases. The longer the length, the more difficult it is for current to flow as there is more material to travel through and more positive ions for the electrons to collide with and lose energy.

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If the length of a wire is doubled, the resistance is doubled and the current is halved. This is because twice the length of wire is equivalent to two equal resistances in series so having a long length of wire will just be the same as having 2 lengths of wire half the size. Current will decrease with length, therefore Current is inversely proportional to length.

Experimental Procedure

The key factor that I plan to investigate is the length of the wire; I will vary the length of the wire ...

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