Factors Affecting the Rate of Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide.

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Hugo Steckelmacher 5J1

Chemistry Science 1 GCSE Coursework: Factors Affecting the Rate of Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide

What is a reaction ?

A reaction occurs when two fast moving particles collide to produce a product. This product is only produced if the two particles have enough energy to either join or decompose, this amount of energy is called the activation energy.

Possibilities when particles collide


A                                                                    B

                                                                          No reaction

A                                                                    B

                                                                          Particles bounce


Hydrogen Peroxide decomposes in a slow, exothermic reaction to form oxygen and water. As the reaction is slow, a catalyst is used to speed it up. A suitable catalyst for this investigation is Manganese Dioxide (Mn02 – a black powder). The definition of a catalyst is :

  • A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction but undergoes no permanent chemical change itself

The equation for the reaction is :

                               Mn02 Catalyst

Hydrogen Peroxide                   Oxygen + Water (+ Heat)

       Mn02 Catalyst

H202                  O2 + H20 (+Heat)

The reaction occurs when the H202 particles collide with each other. Some rebound off eachother, whilst some have the activation energy to react. The catalyst holds the Hydrogen Peroxide molecules on its surface in such a manner that their activation energies are hence lowered, and more can react. Although there is still some uncertainty as to what exactly the Manganese Dioxide catalyst does, it is believed that believed that the hydrogen peroxide becomes adsorbed (chemically absorbed and held on) onto the surface of the manganese dioxide, and then some temporary bonds are formed. The structural formula of Hydrogen Peroxide is :


It is thought that the temporary bonds formed with the catalyst (which is an active catalyst-  i.e. it will only work if it collides with the Hydrogen Peroxide) help to break/weaken the H-H and O-H and O-O bonds contained in the Hydrogen Peroxid – hence lowering the amount of energy needed to break the bonds and so the amount of energy needed for the Hydrogen Peroxide to decompose.

Several factors will affect the rate of this decomposition. Some can be controlled whilst others may not be within our control. In order to make this a fair test, the effect of all variables should be considered, and only the input variable should be deliberately varied, all other variables excluding the output variable should be controlled as far as possible.

Possible Variables and Their Effect

Temperature of Hydrogen Peroxide

As the temperature of the hydrogen peroxide increases, so would the average energy possessed by each hydrogen peroxide particle, and a greater range between the highest energy and lowest energy of a hydrogen peroxide particle would also increase – some would be moving extremely quickly whilst others extremely slowly. Therefore, as temperature increased, more hydrogen peroxide particles would have the activation energy required for a reaction to occur, and so temperature increases, so does rate of reaction, and the relationship is indirectly proportional (i.e. as one doubles, the other doesn’t necessarily double – the process of collisions is a random process).

Surface Area of Catalyst

If the surface area of the catalyst were to be increased by cutting it down into small chips/granules, then the rate of the reaction would be increased.

The particles of a substance can only collide with the particles of the above substance that are on the outside. When surface area is increased, there are more particles of the substance on the surface, which means more can collide. This would mean that more collisions between the Mn02 particles and the H202 particles would take place, and the catalyst would therefore become more effective, increasing the rate of reaction.

Temperature of Catalyst (Manganese Dioxide)

If the temperature of the catalyst was increased, then the heat energy would spread to the reactant (the H202 particles which are colliding). These particles would therefore gain energy and more would be able to reach their activation energy, as explained on the previous page. This would result in an increase in rate of reaction.

Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide (H202)

As concentration increases, there are more H202 particles contained in the solution per unit volume. As there are more H202 particles, the probability of a collision between H202 particles would increase, and so in theory, there should be more collisions. Therefore, as concentration increases, so does rate of reaction, and the relationship should be positively linear.

Mass of Catalyst

As the mass of the catalyst increases, more ions of the catalyst are available to collide with the H202 particles, and so the catalyst should have more effect on the reaction. As the catalyst works by colliding with the Hydrogen Peroxide particles, if there are more catalyst particles then there will be more collisions between the manganese dioxide particles and hydrogen peroxide particles, hence rate of reaction increases. Therefore, as the mass of the catalyst increases, so should rate of reaction linearly.

Volume of H202

As volume of the H2O2 increases, the total number of H2O2 particles also increases. The frequency of collisions between the H2O2 particles and the catalyst (Mn02 particles) therefore increases, as there are more H2O2 particles for the catalyst to collide with, and there will initially be more reactants for the catalyst to adsorb onto. This means that the initial rate of reaction will increase with volume.

Atmospheric Pressure

As atmospheric pressure increases, the closer together the molecules would be packed, with an effect similar to increasing the concentration of the reactants – the frequency of collisions would increase, which means there would be more decomposition per second occurring. This means there is a linear increase of rate of reaction with atmospheric pressure.

Temperature is quite unsuitable as an input variable because the reaction is an exothermic reaction, and the amount of energy given out each time would vary. This makes controlling the temperature extremly difficult, and a high degree of accuracy is unobtainable.

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Surface area of the catalyst is not a good variable to use because it is extremly hard to get a numerical value for the surface area of the catalyst – which makes plotting a graph impossible. This would make analysis of the results very difficult.

Atmospheric pressure is unsuitable for a school laboratory experiment. It requires expensive, specialist equipment which is unavailable.

Mass of catalyst is unsuitable as it requires extensive knowledge about catalysts and their effects, and it has still not been openly decided what the effect of mass of catalyst is.

Volume of H2O2 did not affect the preliminary ...

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