Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis.

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Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis.


Green plants photosynthesise when it is light. During photosynthesis, a green pigment called chlorophyll absorbs light energy. The energy collected is used by the plant to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, and oxygen is given off as a biproduct.

Carbon dioxide + water + light energy ? glucose + oxygen




Experiment conditions

Light intensity


This will be changed throughout the experiment.

Carbon dioxide


The amount of carbon dioxide in the water containing the plant will be saturated using sodium hydrocarbonate solution.



The experiment will be done at room temperature, which is close to optimum for photosynthesis. This will not fluctuate extensively throughout the experiment time period.
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The plant piece used will be In water throughout the experiment time period.

Plant piece


The plant piece used will be the same piece throughout and a healthy piece will be chosen.

Preliminary Work:

A program called PSYNTH was used to give some indication of the results of altering the light intensity. Light intensity was chosen as the factor to investigate, as it is easiest to carry out within the class room and time period set.

The program generated these results with a carbon dioxide concentration ...

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