Factors affecting the rate of transpiration

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Factors affecting the rate of transpiration


  • Introduction        2
  • Pilot Experiment & Risk        5
  • Method        6
  • Results         8

        Results under standard conditions                         8

        Results at wind speed 1                         8

        Results at wind speed 2                         9

        Results at wind speed 3                         9

  • Analysing Results        10

Analysing evidence and drawing conclusions        10

                                           Evaluation evidence and procedures        12

        Experimental limitations        12

        Extending the investigation        13

  • Appendix         14

        Index of Appendix:                     14

        Graph A                                15

        Graph B                                16

        Extended Results:

        Temperature and wind effect on plant                                17

        Graph C                                18


        For graph A                                19

         For graph B                               20



My hypothesis is that if the intensity of the wind is increased then the rate of transpiration of a plant will increase given that humidity, light, pressure and temperature stay the same.


Water normally leaves the plant as water vapour. The change from a liquid state to a vapour state requires the addition of energy which is provided by the sun, and it is this energy that maintains the flow of water through the entire plant. Transpiration can occur through the stomata, cuticle or lenticels.

Water is brought to the leaf in the xylem vessels. The xylem is part of the vascular bundles which spread to form a fine branching network throughout the leaf. The branches end in one or a few xylem vessels that possess little lignification. Water can therefore escape easily through their cellulose walls to the mesophyll cells of the leaf. There are 3 main theories of how the water moves from the roots to the leaf. The apoplast pathway, symplast pathway and vacuolar pathway.

The apoplast is the system of adjacent cell walls which is continuous throughout the plant. Up to 50% of a cellulose cell wall may be “free space” which can be occupied by water.

The symplast is the system of interconnected protoplasts in the plant. The cytoplasm of neighbouring protoplasts is linked by the plasmodesmata, the cytoplasmic strands which extend through pores in adjacent cell walls. Once water, and any solutes it contains, is taken into the cytoplasm of one cell it can move through the symplast without having to cross further membranes.

In the vacuolar pathway water moves from vacuole to vacuole through neighbouring cells, crossing the symplast and apoplast in the process and moving through membranes and tonoplasts by osmosis.

The three pathways described end with water evaporating into air spaces. From here water vapour diffuses through the stomata, from a high water potential inside the leaf to a much lower one outside the leaf. In dicotyledons, stomata are usually confined to, or are more numerous in, the lower epidermis.

Stomata are pores in the epidermis through which gaseous exchange takes place. They are found mainly in leaves, but also in stems. Each stoma is surrounded by two guard cells which, unlike the other epidermal cells, possess chloroplasts. The guard cells control the size of the stoma by changes in their turgidity.

The guard cell walls are unevenly thickened (seen on various scanning electron microscopes images).


The wall furthest from the pore (called the dorsal wall) is thinner than the wall next to the pore (the ventral wall).

Also, the cellulose microfibrils that make up the walls are arranged so that the ventral wall is less elastic than the dorsal wall. Because the ends of the guard cells are joined, and also because the thin dorsal walls stretch more easily than the thick ventral walls, each cell becomes semicircular in shape. Thus a hole, the stoma, appears between the guard cells.

When the guard cells lose water and turgidity, the pore closes.


This illustrates how the stomata opens and closes and how guard cells are involved in this action using K+, Cl- and water.

In still air a layer of highly saturated air builds up around the leaf, reducing the steepness of the diffusion gradient between the atmosphere inside the leaf and the external atmosphere. Any air movement will tend to sweep away this layer. This layer leads to closing of the stomata and transpiration rates decrease. A too high air movement also could lead to a closing of the stomata. This could be explained by too much water evaporating from the stomatal pores. Therefore the cell becomes flaccid and K+ and Cl- concentration increases. Therefore the guard cells start to become thinner and the guard cell decreases in length closing the stomatal pore.

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When opening the stomata the cell becomes turgid, due to the inflate of water. The microfibrils tend to stop the cell increasing in diameter, so they can only expand by increasing in length opening a stoma.

The rate of transpiration can be affected by certain environmental changes. Temperature, humidity, air movement and light can affect the rate of transpiration.

If the air is still, water vapour diffusing out of the leaf will tend to accumulate around the stomata pores. This reduces the water potential gradient and slows down the rate of transpiration. But windy conditions dispers the ...

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