Christiana Hahn
Factors affecting the resistance of a wire
To find out if the length of the wire affects the resistance in it.
I predict that the longer the wire is, the more resistance there will be. I think this, because in a longer wire, there are more chances of the atoms meeting than in a shorter piece of wire.
I will be investigating the amount of resistance in a constantan wire of the size 36. All the factors (type of wire) will stay the same; only the length will change. I will increase by 10.0cm each time until I reach 100.0cm. I am using the size 36 because I found out that this is a thin wire and the thinner the wire is, the more resistance there will be, meaning better results. There is a small resistance because current travels in straight lines and the closer the smaller the diameter of the wire; the more resistance there is, because there is therefore a higher chance for the atoms to clash. So this is why I decided to use a thin wire to get better results. I am also using a constantan wire because I found out it is not a pure element like copper. This means there are additional atoms in it, thus there will be more resistance.