Find out how the length affects the resistance of a wire.

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Nisha Patel


Mr. Treacher

My aim in this investigation is to find out how the length affects the resistance of a wire.

Before I start doing experiments and testing thing I need to predict what I think will happen. My theory is that as the length of the wire increase, the resistance will increase proportionally. To support my theory I have below written reasons for it, supported by

scientific knowledge.

What is resistance?

Resistance, in electricity, property of any object or substance to resist or oppose the flow of an electrical current. The quantity of resistance in an electric circuit determines the amount of current flowing in the circuit for any given voltage applied to the circuit, according to Ohm's law. The unit of resistance is the ohm, the amount of resistance that limits the passage of current to one ampere when a voltage of one volt is applied to it. The standard abbreviation for electric resistance is R and the symbol for ohms in electric circuits is the Greek letter omega, Ω. For certain electrical calculations it is convenient to emðloy the reciprocal of resistance, 1/R, which is termed conductance, G. The unit of conductance is the mho, or ohm spelled backward, and the symbol is an inverted omega.

The resistor itself is made up of particles. It is used to speed or ease the flow of electrons in a circuit. In an atom there are protons, which have a positive charge and neutrons, which have no charge. Orbiting the nucleus are shells, which are made up of electrons, they have a negative charge. Electrons on outer shells are weaker than those nearer to the nucleus, which are stronger; therefore this allows the weak electrons to wander from their shells when enough energy is produced. Negative electrons are attracted towards a positive charge, i.e. a battery. This flow of electrons is what causes the flow in the circuit.

+Positive                                                                                  -Negative


To support my hypothesis I had done some preliminary experiments (shown in my plan) to support my prediction. The preliminary showed that as you increase the length of a wire, the resistance also increases.

To acknowledge the equipment needed I used the circuit I used in the preliminary experiment. The following equipment is required:

  • Connecting wires
  • Power supply (power pack)
  • 0-1/0-2 Ammeter
  • 0-6 Voltmeter
  • Crocodile clips
  • 1 meter ruler (x2)
  • Constantine wire
  • Micrometer

To perform this experiment I will have to set the circuit that I used in my preliminary experiment.

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After setting up the experiment like shown on the next page, in a series circuit. I set the power pack on 4 voltages, and I read the results of the current off the ammeter and the voltage off the voltmeter.

Resistance (Ohms) =                 Voltage (Volts)

Current (Amps)

This is the formula that I will use to work out the resistance of the circuit.  Ohm’s law discovered that the amount of steady current through a large number of materials is directly proportional to the potential difference or voltage running across it.


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