Find out the relationship between the districution of bladders and the degree of exposure on the shore of bladder wrack seaweed

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Find out the relationship between the distribution of bladders and the degree of exposure on the shore of bladderwrack seaweed


To find out the relationship between the distribution of bladders and the degree of exposure on the shore of bladderwrack seaweed.

Background Knowledge

A rocky shore consists of small ledges, pools of water and plentiful amounts of pebbles and rocks. Along the seashore we have these different zones:

  • The Upper shore
  • The Middle shore
  • The Lower shore
  • The Sub lateral Sea Fringe

Each of these parts of the shore have different miniature habitats, different species growth, within these habitats we have what we call a community of hardy plants and animals, these react with the area around them thus making the Seashore Ecosystem. The sheltered shore would typically have more habitats and species growing and living within it, rocky shore species are needed to be able to survive the continual changes and cycles of the tides. Seashore life occurs in zones on the shore as mentioned before, according to how tolerant different species are of exposure to air and sunlight. Above the level of the highest tides is the splash zone, strongly affected by salt spray. The upper shore is not covered by every high tide, usually only those of spring tides. Very few species can tolerate the relatively dry conditions of the upper shore. Most seashore animals and plants live in the middle shore, the main area of the shore which is covered and uncovered by every tide. The lower shore is only exposed during the low tides of spring tides, and this is where many delicate species may be found – those that cannot withstand much exposure.

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The image above shows the dominant brown seaweed groups on the shore. The greener seaweeds growth beneath these and near the high water mark, the seaweed that we are focusing on is called bladderwrack, this is show on the image above, and is positioned about middle shore, this means that is covered by water a large percentage of the time, but then sometimes is left exposed from the salty water.

Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) has pairs of air bladders which float its fronds towards the light. Like most algae many variants develop in response to changes in environmental factors, ...

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This is a good start to a report. 1. The report has a good structure and uses subheadings well. 2. The variables section should be expanded. 3. There needs to be a system in place to indicate which information has come from which source. ****