Finding out the effect of osmosis on potato chips at different concentrations of sucrose solutions.

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Investigating the effect of sugar solutions on potato chips


In this investigation I will be finding out the effect of osmosis on potato chips at different concentrations of sucrose solutions.


Osmosis is defined as the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration.

In a high concentration of water the amount of solute (e.g. sugar) is low. This could be called a weak or dilute solution. In a low concentration of water the amount of solute (e.g. sucrose) is high. This could be called a strong or concentrated solution. When two such solutions are divided by a semi-permeable membrane the water will move from the area of high concentration to the area of low concentration, until both sides are equal (have reached equilibrium).


               Weak solution        partially permeable membrane        Strong solution


                                             Net diffusion of water

Knowing that osmosis will occur across a semi-permeable membrane whenever there is a difference between the water concentrations on the two sides of the membrane, and knowing that when this happens to cells they will either become turgid if water flows into them, or plasmolysised (when cytoplasm is drawn away from the cell wall) if water flows out of them, and thus change their volume, we want to test the hypothesis that:                         Plasmolysis         



If the concentration of a solution into which a cylinder of potato is placed is greater than a certain level the cylinder will contract, and if the concentration is less than that level it will expand. This can be seen in living cells. The cell membrane in cells is semi-permeable and the vacuole contains a sugar/salt solution. So when a cell is placed in distilled water (high water concentration) water will move across the semi-permeable membrane into the cell (lower water concentration) by osmosis, making the cell swell. This cell is now referred to as turgid.




With the potato cells, the cells would increase in length volume and mass because of the extra water. If these potato cells were placed in a solution with a low water concentration, then the opposite would happen. Water would move out of the cell into the solution. In extreme cases the cell membrane breaks away from the cell wall and the cell is referred to as plasmolysed. The potato cells will have decreased in length, volume and mass.
            The greater the concentration of water in the external solution the greater the amount of water that enters the cell by osmosis. The smaller the concentration of water in the external solution the greater the amount of water that leaves the cell.
However, there will be a point where the concentrations of water inside and outside the potato cells are equal (
isotonic). At this point there will be no change in the length, volume and mass of the potato, as the net movement of water will be zero, no osmosis has occurred.

Fair test 

To make this test fair I will first of all, and most importantly, we will have to get the measurements and the weights of the solutions and the potatoes as exact, and as accurate as possible. We will try and get the measurements of the potatoes as accurate as possible for every single potato, evenly cutting the potato pieces, and making a record of the length to the nearest millimetre.
         But I believe one of the most important steps in the fair testing is to make sure that the potato is fully covered by the solution. This is because the potato should fully submerge, by having total contact with the solution. So I will push the potato to the bottom making sure there is at least 2-3 cm of sucrose solution above the potato.
When using the balance, we will make sure that the balance is reading zero with the small foam bowl, before we put the potatoes on it. This is so that we don’t get a false reading, with the weight of our potato with the reading it had before. And after the experiment, we will measure the potatoes that should be dried as possible, and weigh it the same way, taking the reading to the nearest 2 decimal places and making sure there at the same temperature.
And we will also be reading the measurements of the measuring cylinder by reading the bottom of the meniscus.
          In this experiment there should only be two changing variables: 1: Different concentrations of sugar solution. 2: Changing weight of the potato samples. To keep these two variables fair in the experiment I must:

1: Keep the potato samples the same length (5cm). This is because if one potato sample is 4cm long and one is 6cm long then the 6cm long sample will have a larger surface area and osmosis will occur much more quickly. Also I will try and keep the surface area the same as if there is a bigger surface area than other potatoes more osmosis will take place.

2: Use the same potato. This is because many factors due to the potato may affect the experiment. For example the age, species e.g. King Edward, size and any imperfections in the potato can be kept to a minimum.

3: Stop the evaporation of any of the molar solution. This is because if the sugar solution evaporates past the level of the of the potato then the potato sample will have less surface area in the solution so osmosis will be slower. To stop any solution evaporating a foil lid can be placed on top of the test tube.

4: Accurate amount of sugar solution: More Bathing solution may affect the rate of solution. To make the amount of solution placed in the test tube as accurate as possible a syringe will be used to measure out the exact amount needed which will be 20ml.

5: Contamination: As each test tube is filled up with the different molar solutions the syringe which would measure the amount of solution placed in the test tube may become contaminated with different moralities. To stop this the beaker and syringe must be washed every time they are used.

6: Average: To make the experiment as accurate as possible an average will be taken out of 2 results taken.

7:Temperature: The temperature may affect the reliability of the experiment for example at extreme temperatures the cells of the potato may die and at less extreme temperatures the experiment may be speeded up. To keep this from happening all the test tubes will be kept in the same place and at the same temperature, which is room temperature as the potato will perform better at room temperature and it will more fairer than leaving it at a cooler or hotter part of the room.

         Most importantly I will repeat the experiment twice, which will give me the chance to give a more accurate result, and when drawing my graph I will use the average. By repeating the investigation twice it gives me the opportunity to find anomalous results which could be due to the amount of concentration used or from the time being stopped at the wrong time. In every experiment you should always repeat the task as it notifies us of trends and makes the test even fairer. The repeat results will be taken to improve the credibility of the findings, and present solid grounding for the final conclusion. The repeat results will help to level out any anomalies and the average will give a good summary of the results of the experiment. Also when measuring the volume of the solutions it will stay at 20ml and I will make sure that the volume will stay the same throughout the investigation.


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  • 10 test tubes
  • Tile
  • 4 solutions, which are 1.25%, 2.5%, 5% and 10%
  • Ruler
  • Razor blade
  • Calculator
  • Test tube rack
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Distilled water
  • Weighing scales
  • Goggles

Working safely

Safety is an important aspect in every experiment, even if the experiment seems to be very harmless. And that is why we take this into consideration, no matter what.
We will be using a very sharp razor blade, which could injure someone if it’s not handled properly. And we will also be careful that the solutions don’t get into our bodies internally, just in case, because we are not ...

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